
Burnin' For You

Silent I


11 Years
07-03-2013, 08:42 PM

Spring had arrived faster than Silent had expected. The wintery weather had disappeared, taking the snow, ice, and cold breezes with it. She was happy to see colors again, bright oranges, reds, and yellows that screamed from the flowers of the Gulley. Green leaves began to bud and reappear on the branches of the longlost trees. Life had been given back to the Southern regions of Alacritis and everything she saw that was vibrant and glowing made her own gaze reflect it.
Another certain something that came with spring was what Silent was dealing with. Her birth season had been when birds became mates, everything was in bloom, and love was evident in the air. At nine years old, she had figured her body was tired from the pups and wanted to retire. Now, as she walked through the colorful forest, admiring the bushes of beautiful flowers and hearing animal noises in the distance, she knew her assumption had been wrong. Yes, the elderly Silent was in heat. What a wonderful reunion!
Heat rose like a flame around Silent. The blood that ran through her body felt like fire, hot and ready to be put out. Silent's emerald green gaze was fiery, mirrioring what she was feeling. She knew that there was only one way to settle the hot furnace within her muscles, bones, and blood. Finding a secluded spot, surrounded by flowers and soft chirping, Silent stepped out into the open and howled. Bronze's company was needed, desired, and sooner rather than later. Her song filled the air with notes of wanting and fire, hopeful and craving. If only he knew how much he would help out, he would be there faster than lightning.
