
A Shadow of the Past

Kane I


Dire wolf
12-14-2017, 04:18 PM

black ocean, cold and dark...
...i am the hungry shark.

He honestly never intended to become a rogue when he left Lirim. He had always meant to return to his mother, return to his pack. It was weird to think that he'd been away for so long, they were still so fresh in his memory. He remembered his mother as if he had seen her yesterday.

At the start of this journey, all he'd wanted to do was find his brother, Miach. He had been close to him down in Auster.. but lost his scent among other wolves. Kane assumed he joined another pack, as no bloodshed seemed to occur that day he'd found his tracks. It left Kane to believe that Miach did not want to be found, and honestly... the journey from Lirim to Auster alone as a child was enough to spark a bit of wanderlust in his young bones.

He would be lying to himself if he said he did not appreciate his time apart from his pack, that he did not enjoy the freedom. He loved it, even the fear of being a meal for something lurking in the night thrilled him. He discovered that, despite his size, he was incredibly elusive when he wanted to be. His black coat gifted him with a stealth in the night unlike most others his size.

He was no longer the lanky yearling he once was, as his second year was nearing an end it seemed his muscles had begun to build. They were nowhere near their full potential yet, due to his life spent scavenging and hunting small prey thus far... but, he was nothing to sneeze at. The Praetor bloodline was definitely the more dominate in his genes, though he held his mother's thicker pelt. Despite its thickness, the teen had managed to pick up several scars littering his body that broke it up. A savage attack on his forehead from another wolf seemed most noticeable, marking his forehead with messy, bright red skin that could be seen the moment one looked at him. His shoulder bore his other big scar, a bite mark from the very same wolf though this one seemed much cleaner. Kane managed to break away from that bite before it did as much damage as the one on his forehead. They appeared to be fully healed, though without any sort of medical attention they healed rather.. gruesomely. He didn't seem to care much about them, though.

Currently, he was finally making his rounds back the way he had come when he'd initially left. It wasn't intentional at first, to be honest, he'd been lost when things suddenly started to seem.. familiar.

The caves got him first, he remembered that night that he shared with the kid that's scent sparked his curiosity and made him wonder. That scent was eerily similar to his own, and as soon as he approached the very same entrance to the cave they'd shared that night... the memory hit him as strong as if the boy had been there with him. Kane used the cave for the night, and in the morning decided to head east toward the thicker pines in hopes of ambushing a quick meal.

He was abruptly stopped short by that very same scent that he had been reminiscing the previous night. It was much stronger now and trickled with the scent of many other wolves. This was a pack's territory, and it appeared.. that the 'Heir of Abavan' was no longer an heir, but a king. So he wasn't lying?

Kane stood there at the edge of the territory, not passing the boundary as he silently thought. It'd been so long since he'd interacted with anyone, let alone a full pack. Was he ready? Well, he didn't have much else going on in his life to say no. Besides, he was curious... about.. that scent. They had to share lineage... and Kane knew it wasn't from his mother's side. None of them smelled the same as Tyranis did so he wondered... would Tyranis know anything about his estranged father? Kane never really had the desire to meet his father, though.. he was always curious about his roots.

His head lifted as he released a neutral howl, kept short and sweet simply to announce his presence.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?