
Bumbling buzzing bee


12-15-2017, 09:22 AM
ooc: Boris is hidden up in a thick pine tree with his kill

She was enjoying her meal, ripping into the hide and flesh to expose the yummy muscle. Her light grey muzzle was stained a bloody red from digging into it and even some blood had splattered on her chin and chest. For the most part things were peaceful, but the approach of the two wolves came to her suddenly when the northern winds shifted, carrying their scent to her. Her eyes narrowed as she lifted her head, licking her lips clean as she looked around for those who were approaching.

When her silvery eyes spotted them it was immediate that they were a lot different from one another. The first was much shorter then herself and terribly overweight. He wore a pathetic look, begging eyes that did not please her at the least. She held back the growl that was threatening to be released, but instead stared with narrow eyes at the pair. The next one was the same height as the other, but much lighter in frame. Delicate in her personal opinion and a wolf that probably couldn't last long in the north.

For now the female watched the two wondering what in fact they were here for. If it was her food, she didn't feel she had to share a meal she herself took down.
"Talk", 'Think", & "Boris"