



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-15-2017, 12:19 PM

Amon was struck by this woman's poise. She was nearly half his size but she showed not the slightest trepidation. A level calmness radiated off of her in waves, neither threatening nor assuming anything about his presence. She was small and plain in color, except perhaps for her brilliant eyes, but he had no reason to believe her spirit was any greater than the other mortals who roamed this land. He had met his fair share of otherworldly creatures, wolves that glowed and those that had grown extra appendages, such as tusks and horns. Even so, there seemed to be something elevating her above most of the mortal curs who skulked through these lands. She did not quiver or grovel or blather, and Amon found himself... grateful. Amon had seen hulking brutes another head taller than her tuck tail and run merely at the hulking size of him and many of his kin. Others grew defensive, either violent or anxious. She simply sat, exuding a calm confidence. Of course, Amon was doing his best to appear unthreatening but it was not something he achieved easily.

And of course, devastatingly curious.

No stranger to the machinations of his own mind, Amon knew better than to fight the questions when they surfaced. One might consider his unrelenting microfocus an unfortunate facet of his intellect, that he would allow them to gnaw at him until he had unraveled their answers. Amon would disagree. Puzzles and pursuits of the mind were as crucial to him as the earth and sky. He craved them. The woman before him was slowly slid under his microscope with a tilt of his head. A smile, genuine and yet lacking genuine warmth, curled onto his lips. "Only a guess," he explained. "I was recently in the northern lands myself, and my reaction upon returning was much the same." He shrugged, as if brushing the matter away. Of course, his reaction had been nothing of the kind. Amon had turned his nose towards the first warm breeze he'd scented, inhaled deeply, closed his eyes... And continued walking. Then again, stoicism was a virtue as far as he was concerned.

While his exterior remained cool and reserved, Amon's mind darted from thought to possibility, analyzing the oddity before him. Pleasantries must of course come first. To Amon they were mostly senseless dithering, a useless preamble one must suffer through before achieving anything of worth. But they were part of the game, and so he would suffer them with a smile on his lips. "My name is Amon Abraxas. I am the leader of the Risen Empire in the far southwest of this continent. I've found Auster has a much more favorable climate, if you have water to see yourself through the dry season." A bland comment perhaps, but intentionally so. Amon was more interested in seeing what she would make of it than any particular efficacy it might have. A part of him wondered if she would even entertain his presence, or would she just walk away? It was a welcome diversion, and pleasant puzzle for an afternoon spent otherwise aimlessly wandering.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!