
stranger than earth



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-15-2017, 08:46 PM
The truth was, Kai wasn't totally sure how he would react to such a rude awakening. Perhaps he might be irritated that his nap was ruined, and that his space had been impeded upon, but he thought he might be amusedore than anything, and wonder who dared disturb him. He generally wasn't ever bothered by changes in his plans or in the sudden arrival of others.. and he found himself hoping this white-furred female might be as receptive to his company as he would be to hers. It was hard to tell from this distance if she was truly asleep or merely lounging, but as soon as she reacted to him it became suddenly obvious that she been asleep. She reacted jerkily to his antics, whipping her head to find him behind her, flailing a bit comically as she jerked upright.

Kai, perhaps not so good-naturedly, let a loud laugh fall from parted lips. The sound was accompanied by a snort, and was more playfully friendly than anything else. Despite his laughter, he feigned a look of confusion. "What, am I bothering you?" Came his first words to her, forcing a look of bewilderment to touch his boyish features as he took a slow stride closer. He was a touch wary, eyeing her snarling expression carefully - he was in no mood for a fight and if she truly was upset about what he'd done, he'd gladly leave her to her own devices. While he wasn't afraid of her.. she was much smaller, after all.. he also wasn't one to be bothered fighting over most things, especially ones he wasn't at all invested in.

Instead of remarking anything else, she was quiet, moving to step away from him. It appeared like she wanted to do it more gracefully than she managed, and be stifled another bout of laughter as she fell over. "I didn't think I'd get you so.. frazzled," he searched for the right word, grinning when he finally found it. He kept his distance, watching as she tried to gain her composure, though to him she looked a tad bit defeated. "My bad. Was just trying to have a bit of fun. You're welcome to join me, if you want." If as though to prove his words, he took a few ambling steps to the side, to the slick surface of the lake - pushing off and sliding slightly away from her on the ice.