
★ Avalanche! [Navigation event]



6 Years
12-16-2017, 12:18 PM
As the wall of snow came tumbling down the mountain, the walking red nebula ignored the strangers who's numbers were seeming to increase the more she payed attention, instead favoring the hunt for a way to stay at least out of harms way enough that she wouldn't get squished. Tree? It's get knocked over and snatched up like a feathery light splinter. Cave? Uhhh, she didn't see one close enough. Actually it looked like there was one but the whole snow wall of death was in the way and she'd rather not run towards danger. Well, getting out of the way entirely wasn't the best option, even running perpendicular to the slide she'd still not be fast enough to get all the way out of the way... But, it was something she supposed.

Racing as fast as she could. Iskra didn't waste time trying to run straight away from the slide, that'd just keep her in front of something that moved way faster than her. No, instead she ran at an angle, hoping to get as close to the edge of what was coming at her as possible. Going as quick as her legs and lungs would allow, the woman could almost taste freedom when- ouch! She tripped over the decaying remains of an old log, falling neatly into a massive piece of what was once the bark of an old tree. Then the snow and debris came charging down the mountainside right at her, scooping up the red woman in her little life boat as though she weighed nothing. But, she was on top of it! Sure, she was upside down, paws stretched out skywards and eyes wide with panic. Hey, at least she was alright! It wasn't the most impressive of graceful ride to be sure. Iskra'd take living over looking good any day though.