
give me love


07-03-2013, 09:24 PM

ooc;; I swear he gets less formal after the initial meeting XDD

He was solemn, respectful and quiet as he waited, gaze remaining on the seemingly endless lands that had once held what seemed like so many wolves. His time in Glaciem had been a quiet one but good none the less. He had mostly spent it following Maverick around, occasionally speaking when spoken to but generally just doing his job and coaching Maverick through the whole thing when they were alone. He had come to care deeply for the red male in their time together, not in an in love sort of the way but the same way he had cared for his brother when Friction had been in line to rule Vacanse before the flooding. He of all people knew how quickly things could change in life, maybe that was part of the reason such a feeling of dread had settled in the pit of his stomach. He knew how easily a pack that was so strong could be destroyed. Not to say his birth pack had ever been especially strong, it had consisted of his very large group of siblings, is mother and a few other wolves he couldn't for the life of him remember. The pack had been larger when he had been younger and sometimes their mother had told them times of when Deiro and Diesel had ruled. Stories of their aunt Gossamer, of the lady Amour... All the wolves that had disappeared from the Vacanse ranks as time had passed.

Paw began to idly play with the snow, gaze shifting down thoughtfully as a sigh slid from his lips. Maybe no one would come? He felt his throat clench but after a while longer he stood, downcast gaze to the ground. He wouldn't trespass even if the lands were no longer claimed, he couldn't bring himself to do it. A deep respect had been placed within him after his very first meeting with Gargoyle and no matter the massive man's fate Cynrik just couldn't disrespect him. But just as he was about to leave paw falls caught his attention and regal crown turned. Golden gaze would fall upon the lady who approached, a wave of relief crashing over him. So Glaciem was still alive and flourishing? But who was this? He didn't recognize her from the higher ranking wolves he had met in his time here but he would give her the same respect none the less. He turned slowly as she cleared her throat, stretching a forepaw forward into a deep bow and curling his head to his chest so his forehead pressed to the ground.

No matter who it was he had been taught to greet them this way, at least from another pack as long as they were non hostile. This female seemed far from it. As he lifted himself he allowed a smile to creep across his features, exuberance for her arrival reined in. He wanted so badly to hop on her and cover her in kissed but his training kicked in and he remained a respectful distance, allowing her to close it if she wished. "I am, I wasn't sure if Glaciem was still around. I was here a few months back with Maverick from Sercia... I thought I'd take a side trip and visit on my way back from the wedding." Words came easily, probably speaking too much but he couldn't hold back. God sometimes he spoke way too much... "I apologize if its too much of an imposition... My name is Cynrik Sovari of Sercia." he said easily, another tip of his head given politely to the female standing before him.
