
A Burning Ferris Wheel [Malleus]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-16-2017, 01:54 PM

Ashiel nodded as Malleus spoke. It made sent it would get easier with practice, his defenses were already second nature to him. He just needed to build up that muscle memory and stop over-thinking his every little move. Over-thinking caused him to hesitate and leave himself open for his mother to thoroughly kick his but to kingdom come and back. Malleus mentioned his size and Ashiel nodded. He was massive for a wolf and outside his family he didn't expect to meet many bigger than him. Some might match him for height and maybe build as well but that would be a rarer circumstance.

Ashiel listened intently as Malleus spoke. Chest in combination with a bite, yes that made sense. Malleus also demonstrated a short jab with his shoulder. Ashiel jumped slightly back instinctively as Malleus moved forward though he needn't have worried as the older male stopped short of striking him. He took mental notes as Malleus spoke, rolling his own left shoulder and trying a short jab forward as he did so, trying to get used to the feeling. "Wouldn't that also hurt me though? Are there certain targets to aim for that are better than others?" He wanted to be able to use his shoulder as an efficient weapon without accidentally straining it and putting himself out of the fight. There had to be tricks to avoiding injury or at least minimizing his own injuries.

Ashiel smiled at the mention of attacking Pyralis by going in low. He was right, she probably wouldn't expect that. Most of his attacks tended to aim high. It was where he felt most comfortable.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.