
More Debris Than You Can Sort Through In One Go [Ásvor]



4 Years
12-16-2017, 03:25 PM

Naudir nodded as Ásvor stated that joining a pack that was not Yfir would feel a bit odd. "It does. Dauntless will never be Yfir but the pack is young and still finding its feet." She gazed out across the ocean. She'd hoped often that Yfir one day might rise again but that seemed a dream long since passed. She had no interest in rule and she doubted any of her siblings cared to revive the pack and so Yfir would pass into legend like other great kingdoms before it. "I needed a home base from where I could rebuild my ambition. Roaming blindly has dulled my sharpness. If anything it should be an experience, good or ill."

As her sister asked if there was room for another Finnvi she stared at the other woman in surprise. She'd been meaning to ask her siblings if they had any interest in dwelling in one of their old homelands once again. She smiled and nodded. "Of course! The pack is small yet, there is room for all our family if the interest is there. I do not think mother would find the idea appealing but there is a benefit to us. There are healers as well that may be able to help you with your craft." She wasn't sure the skills yet of her pack mates but it would be better than nothing.

As for her mother, Naudir still planned to visit the woman. Dauntless had rules that one should renounce their ties to any family before joining. Tyrannis had failed to mention this when he'd announced his pack in the Battlefield. It was a potential bone of contention. She would never renounce the ties to her family. After all, her family were loners and the likely hood of them joining a pack was slim. A smattering of loners was unlikely to pose any threat to the pack. Naudir frowned slightly as she gazed at Ásvor. She wondered, though, if Tyrannis would try to make her sister take such an oath. What would he do if he found out? Well, she supposed she'd be kicked out of Dauntless but if that were to happen then the gods had willed it. Besides, her sister was actually interested in joining a pack! Should things take a sour turn with Dauntless perhaps they could look at some others together.

"Walk with me Ásvor, there are a few things you should know." She turned to carry on down the black sand beach, eager to continue her explorations as she worked out what to tell her sister and how to do so.
