
Burnin' For You

Silent I


11 Years
07-03-2013, 09:30 PM

The desire for him and only him was brimming beneath the surface of her ebony form. Anything else that touched her aside from Bronze was taunting and stroked her fire even more. The cool breezes that touched her skin through her fur, caressing it all the while were enough to make her growl in protest. Silent attempted to keep her heat off her mind by looking around at the bushes, their colors tantalizing and gorgeous. All the more to keep her mind racing, it seemed, as she sighed impatiently. Where was he?!
The three-year-old type of thought she had was answered in less than thirty seconds. Paws across fresh spring grass reached her ears when Bronze made his way into the entrance of the Gulley, announcing his presence with a short bark. Her heartbeat increased in its pace as she turned her head and was met with her first love's form. The closer he approached her, the more force she had to use to keep herself from leaping onto his back. Never had she been so happy to see him, eager to feel his body next to hers.
Bronze's two-word phrase and physical signs of affection made Silent's blood boil. Its heat was intense, as was the scent that roved across her body. She stifled a sigh of longing and settled for false relief as she welcomed his touch and leaned into it. Her nose snuggled deeply into the fur of his neck, inhaling the scent that cloaked him. Fragments of Seracia and its members ran into her nose as she breathed them in, but the majority of what she caught was Bronze. All Bronze. Her Bronze.
Her loins silently burned, making her hormones increase in their jumping game. Silent raised her head to his ear and whispered, "My dear, deeear Bronze." A shiver ran down her spine and she gently nipped at his neck before pulling back to look at him. Their gazes met and she impatienly stomped the ground beneath them with a firm front paw. "What took you so long, my love?" She childishly asked, eyes twinkling with joy and a mist of something that hadn't been seen from by him in years. Silent didn't even try to hide her lust, her wants. She knew that he was aware of what was going on inside her, but she told herself to wait a little longer. The longer she waited, the better the outcome would be.
