
should'a kissed you good night


07-03-2013, 09:56 PM

ooc;; couldn't remember if he was still in sercia or not? but amenti disbanded sooo... I dunno bro XDD I'll assume he was in sercia when she met him and she still went here to find him perhaps? just roll with it woman!!! illshutupnow >.>

It had been nearly a month, maybe longer but she could no longer tell. At about 9 months old the female had grown considerably, markings more prominent now as her adult coat came in. Two tones of deep slate blue were the most dominant on her pelt with white and silver wing like markings showing a bit more. Her ears were still a bit too large for her face and she was still quite small for her age but it was fairly apparent that she would turn out to be quite the looker. She had encountered a few more wolves since last she had met Talon and his sister in the forest, her vocabulary having expanded considerably since their last meeting. For a while she had been hesitant about trying to track the boy down that had left such a lasting impression on her. His missing leg had reminded her of Prospero at first but then his eagerness to chat and play had made her like him instantly. Something about today had turned her towards the range, the area he had described as his home. To be honest she had found it some time ago, had wanted to see him almost immediately after they had parted ways but had held back. Today she had caved and found herself seated on a ridge staring down at the strange buildings that resided on the lands with her friend's pack.

Now, you must understand, when Kangi stood and entered pack lands to search for Talon she had no comprehension of pack laws or packs in general. She had grown up alone, first with her mother, then Prospero and now she could hunt for herself for the most part. No one had sat her down and taught her not to enter pack lands or to howl for the alpha. So instead she began her trek, throwing back her head to give a rather pitiful puppy howl for Talon. It was only her second time howling and she knew she had to work on it. Nose hit the ground as soon as she cut the sound off, sniffing vigorously for her friend. Her bum remained in the air, tail curled happily over her spine as rump wiggled in time with her sniffing. Oh she would find him all right...
