
Wandering Ghost


12-18-2017, 11:42 PM
His heavy footsteps could be heard tiredly slapping against the packed earth that made up the common route to these falls. It was a pleasant escape amidst such humid weather, that after a hunt he craved the cool taste of the waters and the misty air it created to cloud his thoughts.

The massive creature came through the long grass, easily towering over it and leaving a sort of path in his wake without meaning to. His sense of smell was obstructed for the moment, skin of the rabbit still spilling blood to coat his black lips and stain his silver dusted muzzle for every step that he took. Dominicus appeared to be a well-fed individual, but that wasn't to say he did not need this rabbit in his mouth to sustain such an appearance. When he stumbled upon the girl also visiting the falls, he nearly fumbled over his own exhausted paws and landed at her feet. No, he caught himself if just barely and regained his composure, muscles in his back tensing with the slight prickling of his hackles as his tail fanned out behind him in a proud manner.

The rabbit was forfeited, spat from his mouth though quickly tucked under the grasp of his heavy forepaw, toes splayed out around it with his claws digging into the wet mud. He was embarrassed more than anything, but anger masked that well enough as the thick meat of his snout wrinkled, shimmering short silver fur accentuating his displeased snarl until curiosity took over and bewilderment smoothed out his visage to one, perhaps, a little more friendly? Lost was more like it, as those impish ears pointed and his wide and nearly prehistoric looking skull canted to the side. Massive fangs only slightly exposed themselves, protruding on either side of his relaxed black lips. "Who are you?" Blue eyes, cold as ice, narrowed in his scorn as they traveled back to the interesting markings decorating her hips. He didn't care much if he was caught staring, but it would seem his gaze didn't linger long anyway before he was locked on her eyes and waiting in demand for an answer.