
Prussian Blue


12-19-2017, 03:29 PM

It was the smell of old blood that drew the predator in; he was simply curious. He still felt like a tourist to these lands, but something about this particular area told him that wolves had been fighting here for years. This was some sort of battleground, and if it attracted the likes of warriors.. he was immediately interested. Who was the strongest up here in the North? He yearned to discover them for himself, though if his ambition led him in the direction he hoped - it would one day be him.

He was so far unmarred, though small nicks left hidden scars scattered beneath his heavy pelt. None were grand enough to be visible through his magnificent coat, every muscle left heavily armored in his youth- thick jacket intact. His bloodline was often noted for their glorious scars, he wondered.. would today be the day he finally earned his own? Or would history repeat itself, and leave no one brave enough to challenge him? Both his mother and his father bore their own gruesome stories- proudly on their skin like badges of honor. Honor was everything to them and their scars told their enemies that they would fight to the end for it.

Behemoth stood amidst stained soil, precious memories of his family and his suppressed dreams of making them proud in the foreground of his mind. He was radiating with confidence as the thick fur among his shoulders prickled, a sudden rush of adrenaline causing his hackles to meet the wind like a king's protective mantle. Suddenly, the serene image of his grace standing there relaxed on the silent battlefield was interrupted when he through his massive, dire sized skull back and released from the depths of his baritones: a beckoning, war drum of a howl.
