



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
12-20-2017, 02:58 AM

Hymn nodded blankly as his mother spoke of herself and Athena. He had vauge memories of a silver woman and her brood of children most alike in color, but he wasn't sure he'd actually met her properly, only a son of hers.

Still he accepted his mother's explanation well enough and as she turned her questioning to him a grin split his face he was eager to tell her the news of her grandchildren. He settled beside her, and began to speak.

"After the last time I returned I wandered for some time, but something kept nagging at me. The last I had heard of Psalm had been him telling me he was choosing to stay with the young woman he had met. Something had happened for him when he met her and despite myself I wanted to find whatever it was as well. As it turned out Boreas didn't really seem to be able to offer it to me. So I left."

He paused, glancing at his mother with a look of guilt."At the time it didn't really occur to me to say anything to you or Mom... And I wish I had... I went where the wind took me, saw many new places, met many new wolves but none of them offered me that spark Psalm seemed to have found.

"Then I met her..."
He spoke the word as if saying her name was too painful and so chose to not use it at all.

"She was beautiful and alluring and though I didn't know it at the time broken. In hindsight I know she was pining after another man, she'd allowed me to stick around as long as she did because it boosted her delfated confidence to know someone wanted to be around her.

"Ours was a quick and unease union. She became pregnant and around that time I had become aware of the lack of reciprocation on her part. Still she was the mother of my unborn children and I couldn't abandon her or them.

"In that spring our daughter was born. Canticle Destruction. Around that time I had also met Oria and the two of us had begun to hit it off. Still I was loyal to my daughter and her mother. I don't know what changed, if she grew bored of me or if she had realized how much she was hurting me but one day I returned with food and she told me I was free. That she would raise Canticle til she was a year old when she'd let our daughter chose where she wanted to go. In the meantime I would be free to go where I pleased and meet who I wanted free of obligation.

"I agreed, and though I returned a few times while Canticle was still very young the truth is Oria and I began a dizzying courtship and I was loath to be away from her. I also regret not visiting my daughter more, if I had maybe-"
Hymn cut himself off sighing.

"The agreed upon day arrived and I left Oria to visit the den I had left my fledgling family and found it... empty. The scents of my once mate and my daughter were gone... Stale. To this day I don't know if they left together or... Well anything. I wanted to find them, but Oria and I had started talks of starting a family and I knew I could not abandon that chance again.

"A season later our kids were born."
He beamed down at his mother, eager to introduce his children to her, even if just in words."A healthy litter of three. Our two sons: Allegro and Octave and our Daughter: Novel, the third of her name."He watched his mother for a moment, curious to see how she'd react to that news.

"We talked and agreed we'd move our family back to Boreas. I wanted to find you and reconnect but we both agreed to wait til the kids were old enough to make the journey themselves. So here we are now. In truth some part of me is also hoping to run into my eldest as well though that has not happened either."

He looked at his mother, giving her some time to process the information he had just dumped on her before speaking again.

"I'll stick around here for a few days then go looking for my children. I'll cycle like that til you decide on where you are going, then I'll call my family together and they can decide what they want to do. I plan to stay with you but I make no mistake in assuming my children will wanna do the same, they may be struck by the same wanderlust I was at their age. Still I want them to meet you at least once."

—  hymn

I gotta whisper
'cause I can't be too loud

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3