
harder harmonies



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-20-2017, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2017, 08:48 PM by Kai.)
A shiver crawled down Kai's spine as the bitter winter wind whipped at his fur with little abandon. Even for a wolf who was built for northern weather, who thrived for the feel of the snow beneath his paws and the cold to seep into his coat, even this wind was a bit too much for him. He would survive, he knew that, but seeking shelter would be to his advantage for the evening. With no sun overhead, there was little relief from the chilly air except to seek shelter - so when he found a crack in the terrain in the base of a mountain, he could've cheered for joy. While he loved adventuring and braving the elements, sometimes being comfortable was equally as enjoyable, and after all the wandering he'd been doing lately he felt like a bit of a break was in order.

He hardly hesitated to slip into the dim light of the cavern, barely illuminated by the glow of the slowly setting sun. It cast a hazy glow over the horizon, and with each moment that passed the light seemed to fade. Luckily his eyes slowly started to adjust to the light as he moved lazily into the unknown. There was little caution to his step, though perhaps it would've been smart to be at least a touch cautious; he was aware of this, but it didn't stop the oversized male from trudging on. As his eyes adjusted to the cavern, he realized it wasn't just any cave.. the stone walls seemed to be carved with an assortment of pictures that he couldn't quite see. Kai squinted as he tried to make some of the designs out, wondering what sort of creature was responsible for them.

© argent 2017