
Stand Still



3 Years
12-20-2017, 09:43 PM

Having turned a year had seemed like a big deal, but now that he was out on his own it just seemed like it meant he got to be alone more. Well, maybe that was a big deal for some people but to Amos it just meant he was bored and lonely more frequently. Rogdar was probably fine, off causing trouble. Little shit. Huffing irritably, Amos wandered aimlessly through the dismal scene. A land that marked the beginning of what appeared to be a desert, littered with bits of things now broken that probably looked nothing like what they used to be. Metal, shiny broken pieces of things crushed to shattered fragments of their potential past glory lay strewn across the sand. It was sort of beautiful in a sad and dreary kind of way.

Looking back towards the east, Amos could make out distant grey clouds. It was probably still cold and snowing, and despite his mood he was in no rush to return to the familiar so instead the boy opted to wander through the arid land, paws sinking slightly into the warm, soft sand. Eventually he came upon a large metal thing. It smelled of rust and decay, though it looked as though it might have been something interesting before it was nothing. Bits of the faintest blue were found in patches on it and Amos wondered if that was it's color before it became rust red in most places. Climbing atop the thing, Amos settled down to lay on it, though he disliked how his claws clicked on it when he'd walked over the thing. Sparkling razor sharp crystals of glass were scattered around it, though on one side a sheet lay intact and he looked through it to find some sort of cave inside the metal beast, though he wasn't keen on trying to enter any time soon.

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."

Table image by Nesla