
Seduce me


12-23-2017, 09:29 AM

Her venom was working wonders as it came spitting through the fog. He could feel her words piercing through his skin like fangs or needles even, injecting him with their spellbinding poison while it disoriented him yet also... caused him to become undeniably captivated as she practically phantomed into his vision. The mist beneath the lowlit moon made her presence nearly unbelievable, making him wonder if the air hadn't been somehow stronger today and causing him to hallucinate. She was calling him, beckoning him closer to her with not only her words but her tantalizing body language.

To him, she was no siren luring him to his own death. No, he held no fear within his bones... as she asked him to be unafraid, the unholy beast answered with the grimmest of chuckles as he had become amused by the ease of her request. To him, she was merely a young and dumb nymph toying with black magic for the first time. She stood there, setting her pentagram summons and practicing her seductive dance under the delusion that she was in control because she had been the one to put the effort into building the trap.


Her coquettish words sparked a fire within him as he ultimately made his decision to give her what she thought she wanted. His muscles began to move on their own as they tensed at his core to bring his weight there and moved beneath the prickling of his thick, mountainously grown fur as his hackles rose to a full stand. He could see her within his reach now just ten feet ahead of him, and although this was his first time actually acting on his desires with intentions of keeping his victim alive... he had envisioned himself doing this to her long before he met her. The desire to lay claim to her was an unspoken language his blood and body knew. From this point on, he moved with muscle memory... no real thought, just instinct gifted to him through the whispers of his chaotic ancestors that perfected this art long before him.

The savage could feel his heart racing, adrenaline coursing through him with a growing fervor beneath those tensed muscles of his abdomen. He did his best to steady his breathing as his paws moved themselves to the corners of his squared stance, knees bending slightly as he anticipated his inevitable launch to come. His ears folded back against his skull and remained tucked there as his blue tongue slithered beneath the cage of his teeth now that it had been awoken, the cover of his cold, blue lips lifting to unveil the presence of his thick set of ridiculous cleavers. They were dripping and drooling, already yearning to taste her while they hung agape and ready to snap depending on how she reciprocated his dance.

If she had been expecting some sort of romantic waltz, she would soon discover that a beast like him moved a bit more dirty. Those eyes had such potential to offer the calmest of effects with their flawless sapphire presence. They could have been so gently placed upon her form, they could portray such a beautiful facade of love and admiration to make even the coldest hearts feel the warmth of the ironic fire behind those bright blue eyes. Though, not tonight. Tonight they were narrowed with his pupils just pins in the center of those seas as the bulk of the muscles in his face surrounded the top of his snout and locked their protective hold around such precious gems.

His toes found the right grooves of the ground surrounding the spring water, splaying out to keep his paws wide and supportive of his massive weight while he found the most promising starting point. His talons firmly dug into the earth below him as he remained focused on her ahead of him. His world moved in slow motion as his neck lowered to spine level, aligning with the armor of muscle set on his broad shoulders.

It was just the two of them in this world, and in this determined mission of his to keep it that way.. he would be relentless.


He suddenly erupted as he answered her summons, he would come barreling through the fog like a demon tearing through a dimensional rift to answer the call of her beckoning. His talons scraped against the earth leaving vales in the moist soil beneath him, his takeoff disturbing every bit of the ground around him as he used it to pull himself forward and fly to her and close the distance. A wanting growl started deep in the pit of his stomach as his blood pressure so wonderfully rose, his already opened mouth allowing for that growl to carry to her ears. He hoped it was a suitable answer to the beautifully orchestrated words she had offered him, as.. it was all he was really capable of until after he finished this display of dominance. She needed to know exactly how much he wanted her: enough to keep her locked away for himself and use her in whatever ways he saw fit, for she would be his.

Jowls unhinged wider, wider.. the closer he came to her, they readied themselves to seize her. He veered slightly to his left, keeping his teeth aimed to his right as he would try to swing his neck just slightly downward before swinging them again up and to his right side in an attempt to connect with the right side of her neck if she did not properly prepare herself. He aimed to handle with her still with precise care, not wanting to break her precious skin dramatically but bite down hard enough to accomplish a seizing hold with only light puncture wounds from each tip of his cleavers.

His forelimbs would immediately shuffle to focus keeping his weight on his left, but allowing his right ankle to bend while his paw hooked around her right leg. He hoped to accomplish pulling her toward him and making her lose her balance, possibly even pull her toward him with such intensity that she would be forced to fall forward off of her forelimbs and on to her chest. And what a beautiful sight that would be.

Dominicus vs. Nephthys for SLAVE CLAIM
Round: 1 | 2

Height: 45"

Build: Heavy

Notes; Can change the beginning distance. She's also totally allowed to surrender, as well. I just wanted to make things interesting. I got a lot of inspiration from these two. <3