
Miles away



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
12-25-2017, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2017, 02:52 PM by Dómari.)
ooc:  -crashes-  It said AW and I thought it might be fun to thread Mr. Optimism with these two. If you prefer to thread one-on-one Sam let me know!  I can either have staff fix it or I can send Dóm on his way next post.

Seabound and Aimless at Best

Dómari needed to get out. The raid was over, Celestial had won and the boy was healing well from his wounds but he needed some time to get some fresh air.  This meant treking north through the cold. The sting of the wind, the feel of the snow. It reminded him of home and had been something he was sorely missing.  Not that he wasn't content in Celestial. Celestial was his new home and he'd do whatever it took to defend his new family but time and time again he found himself being drawn back to the past. To his sibings… he hoped they were doing well.

As the young man was exploring the wind suddenly picked up, cutting through his thick coat.  He loved snow! He wasn't a fan of the wind.  Booooo!  He wanted to go sledding but not in this wind.  Not unless he had someone to go sledding with.  A sudden flicker of darkness from the corner of his eye caught his attention.  Oh?  A cave?  Dómari stuck his head in the opening. "Hellooooo?  Any bears in here?"  He waited for a moment and when no reply came he dove right in.  Adventure, though name was Dómari!

Dómari traveled in the dark, ice blue eyes gleaming with the thrill of exploration. He'd missed this. He turned through a narrow channel only to come across two more wolves. One was a small female with a pelt so dark he might not have seen her if it weren't for her golden eyes. The male was more earthen colors.  Dómari smiled.  "Hello!  Do you two live down here?  You know I was looking for some sledding buddies.  You guys wanna go sledding?"