



2 Years
12-25-2017, 03:56 PM
Auster, this country was called, and Jendayi briefly wondered if the land north of the saltwater bridge was different. It felt entirely different—and so far, the wolves here seemed different, too. How odd.  He confirms her suspicions with his next comments, and the insatiable curiosity kindled in Jendayi’s breast began to burn. Her pale eyes seek the stark ice of his own, and her lips curved into an almost wondrous smile—soft, simple, and small; like a child, seeking the world’s wonder for the very first time. She wanted to reach further, to dig deeper into his words, to seek its meaning and its purpose as if it were prey to be dissected, battles to be watched and studied. Why is that so? she almost asks, but bites her tongue, knowing too well the past would always come back to haunt her. The spirits will it so, an echoing and haunting reminiscence curdling in the back of her mind, matriarch’s voice as gentle yet stern as it always were. Instead, in her silence, her smile disappeared, and Jendayi turned into more of a stunned, starstricken doe.

His voice draws her from her reverie, and quietly she listens, unaware of the machinations spinning at the heel of his words. Fickle and maidenly as she was, however, Jendayi knew too well not to throw her trust into someone so quick—Amon was right to hide his cards while the young woman was still oblivious to such things. Instead she is distracted by his mentions, the pictured ideals of his words playing along her mind. She imagined herself immersed in this fabled place, shrouded in its cooling blue light, sunkissed gaze dancing with glints of alabaster and gold. It is only his warning that snaps the thought, wrenching it from her mind and drawing her wandering gaze back toward his own. She counters his shrug with a small smirk of her own, girlish, yet only just noticeable; “I suppose that is also a warning to me that the next time we meet may not be so friendly,” she suggested, knowing far too well she could not afford to play coy. What, are you saying I’m not welcome in your territory? A stranger, who you’ve only just met? But even Jendayi could not stop herself from what innocent prodding—and truth be told, she truly wished to know if this man were one to be feared or not. He was a King—a Commander. Surely, his army spread far and wide. She truly was one to not step on any toes.

“I appreciate you telling me more of this place, Amon Abraxas,” she finally said, and wondered if this was where he would part—if this is where their meeting ended. It would be easy to say goodbye, to simply dismiss herself to leave herself to the pleasures of discovery. The shores he had mentioned would undoubtedly be the first place Jendayi went come nightfall, and she had no doubt it may be as spectacular as he may have mentioned. It was much harder, however, to realize perhaps she wanted to say, to see if Amon had more to share of his world, so that she may know of it entirely. Her gaze held his, questioning, yet silenced all the same.

code & art by lynx