
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
12-25-2017, 06:08 PM
Wind cast its icy breath across the frozen land, the new scene making those darker more apparent. Of course, in this frozen tundra, the desire for shelter is one of great importance. Molten eyes scanned the tundra-looking world, and narrowed, brows furrowing deep in thought. Scents here were faint, old, stale, but still, they led him further on, but to what was the real curiosity. A growl curled up the left side of the wolfs lip, ivory fangs flashed out, appearing to look yellow in this crystal wasteland. Another howl of mother natures' call and the brute's long tail lashed back and forth, his pace  quickening again, but not to be one of grave importance, mainly just piqued curiosity, Something out here in this wasteland should entertain me, after all, A smirk lace itself upon his dark maw, I cannot be the only one looking for fun. Balls of snow worked its way into his paw pads, but the pain and freezing temperature was nothing, compared to the lust that burned deep in his heart. It had been moons since he'd lounged in the love and pure primal desires of another, and now, in this weather, where the world was cast in darkness and ice... Who wouldn't seek some comfort and warmth?

As if by reading his mind, his nose led him to slow, and halt. Before him lie a cave, but it wasn't the cave that pulled him in, it was the scent. Ears flicked forward, testing the sounds, before he glanced both ways, in the silence, his curiosity drove him forward. His paws led him deeper into the earth, and he could feel the tinge of the frigid chill erase, before him, opened none other than the pit of despair. Setekh's eyes lit up like a newborn staring it its first full moon. A rumble pulled itself out of the pit of his stomach, curling up and rumbling out of his chest and into his mouth, and his lips curled around his gums, his tongue tasting the air like soft kisses of a stolen lover. Ah, my beauty, no need to hide anymore. In the two days since his arrival to this new isolation, he'd never imagined seeing the pits of hell open before him, and in this instance... it was pure, unadulterated lust that drove him forward into the mouth of the beast. The heat that bubbled from this vat was toxic, but also highly intoxicating. "My love," He cooed, watching the lava work and worm its way from the waterfall to the basin where it lapped at the edge, a decent distance away from where he stood, "You tempt me with your hellfire..."

His tail lashed from side to side, the excitement expelling from this male was sickening. His body wove in patterns befitting a large cat, his legs moving rhythmically across the ashen floor, but evading the interior, closest to his flame. He writhed, his whole body twisting with desire and anticipation. From within his lips came whines, growls, and low howls, the lava's torture glistening off of his necklace. Stretching to the ground, he bowed at the liquid, and closed his eyes, this find was a true blessing, but also a deadly curse, for what the heat gives, she also takes. What would be the price of her generosity and shelter from the ice outside? That's what Setekh was prepared to find out.

ooc: I'm sorry for this... terrible post... I hope you enjoy the setting for these two.