
Write To Me & Escape


07-04-2013, 12:14 AM

When he tried to pronounce her full name, Aeil couldn't help but giggle. It wasn't one to pick on him, more like she was tickled and couldn't fight the urge. Her smile was coy when she nodded and said, "Aeil is fine with me, Dragon. If it helps your tongue when you say my name, then I won't oppose it." Nothing really upset Aeil, unless it was something she held close to her heart or truly believed in. This wasn't one of those major things.
As he spoke of food, her ears slightly flattened. "You were on your way to eat?" Guilt lightly traced her tones, but it disappeared once she spoke again. "I'm not used to the game that lives around here...what kind of prey did you find?" Curiosity peeked and she gently reclined to her haunches. The sun began to shine a bit more upon the pair and was welcomed as evidenced by the prickles of Aeil's skin. Her fur rose and fell in a wave, indicating the prickles from the sudden increase of warmth. She shook all over and sighed lightly, smile still remaining on her face.
Aeil had raised a hind paw to scratch an itch on her neck. Eyes were closed as Dragon inquired about her scent. Slowly, eyelids opened and she looked at Dragon in mid-scratch. It was for a split second, but she finally lowered her leg and nodded. "Yes, I am. There is a pack not far from here called Seracia." The fae sat up straighter, pride evident in her posture as she wrapped her tail around her hind legs. "I have only been a member for a few weeks, but so far, it is lovely. If I hadn't come across Gerhardt-" a light twinkle flashed in her eyes at the mention of the King, "who is the ruler of Seracia, I don't think I would have thought about joining. I had been a Rogue for awhile before I made up my mind...and I'm glad I did." Her friendly smile widened as she spoke of her pack. "And what of you, Dragon? Have you thought about being in a pack? Or do you prefer the Rogue life?"
