
I think I better go before I try something I might regret



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-25-2017, 11:30 PM

A lop-sided grin split his lips, tail wagging playfully as she dropped into her play bow. She was really something, and he had to admit he certainly liked her spirit. Maybe even adored it. Was that more than just liking? Her personality was pretty contagious, after all she seemed pretty carefree and unafraid. Spunky and had a good sense of humor to boot. He watched her bounce away, and his only instinct was to follow. If he knew better, he'd say she had him practically wrapped around her finger, so to speak. She was charismatic, and though he could be too, she seemed to be running him out of the league in that area. He watched her, hips swaying and the bounce in her step nearly drawing him to want to get closer, and as he watched her he nearly missed what she said until Kimahri bumped his shoulder, jolting him out of his weird trance. He quirked his brow as she walked backwards. She was an eccentric one, wasn't she? "Oh really?"

He stopped where he was as she hopped up on a rock, the woman turning to look at him. He remained quiet, assessing her as she spoke, though assessing her for what well...maybe he was just admiring her coat. He was sort of jealous, he wanted a coat like that...he felt too plain when he was around wolves like this. But then again, if he was that plain looking then why would she even bother to flirt with him? When she finished speaking he laughed, a humorous glint in his eye, "Well I figured that would be the only good reason," He flashed a smile, tilting his head up slightly as he peered at her. "Well if you think about it, you won't have to be alone all the time. You'll have others to help you hunt, meaning you won't have to try and chase down the juiciest looking prey on your own. You'll have a pack to protect you...and I like to think I own two of the most beautiful lands that Auster has to offer. Really, you should see the plains at night...the night sky lights up with all sorts of stars and if I didn't know better, I'd swear you fell from that same sky." He stepped a bit closer to her, noticing her scent. It was similar to that of the moon goddess he had come across earlier in the season, did all she-wolves smell so enticing this season? Or was it just him? "And perhaps you'll have someone to keep you warm at night, I'm sure it gets chilly out here during the winter. Or am I wrong?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.