
★ Avalanche! [Navigation event]


12-26-2017, 12:40 AM

"Fragile little thing, shattered too fast"

Oh shit! He crashed right into her, and before he knew it he felt a wave of snow come over him. No doubt the female he had collided with had gotten caught too, and he could feel her coming and going as she was probably flailing just as he was. He didn't have any time to move out of the way before the snow had come crashing down on them, much less since he had to go tripping and crashing into someone else. Now he was feeling bad because if he died in this, then more than likely she would too. But alas, the feeling bad part could only last so long as panic swelled up and began to take him. His heart pounded hard in his chest, snow roaring in his ears as he desperately tried to recall what his parents had taught him about avalanches. Try to run parallel. Well, too late for that. If you're caught in it, try to swim up and against the snow... Okay, but which way was up? His eyes were open for the most part, and though he was being tossed and turned, he instinctively knew which way was up and which was down. On top of that, he kept feeling the harder surface of the ground banging his rump here and there, and flashes of light from breaks in the snow. Gathering what strength he could, he kicked upward until his head broke the surface and it would take him a minute to be able to keep himself from going back under, but he had eventually succeeded.

Wildly looking around for a way out, he caught glimpses of the female he had run into, and without hesitation he lunged for her. He didn't know what part of her he was grabbing, but he'd try to sink his teeth into fur and flesh and he dragged her up, trying to pull her to the surface alongside him. "Move with me!" He called over the roar of the avalanche. He began his struggle against the snow, trying to move parallel against it as well. He knew that they couldn't do this forever though, they needed a way out, but how? Who else had been caught up? Gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes, he searched for a way but couldn't see anything. They were too far from the trees now and if they tried to move for the rocks they'd surely get crushed against them. What did they do now? He had made it this far, he wasn't going to let the snow take him back under if he could help it...

ooc//Crap tag >.>

"Speech", Thought, "You"