
A Door Has Closed, A Window Has Opened [Open Healing Lessons]



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-26-2017, 12:55 AM

ooc. Caia is gonna be the worst healer ever but she's gonna try!

The north was cold as a witch's tits. Blizzards had nearly buried her within the woods where she had taken up residence. For now, the titan was roaming further from the cold. Thick fur meant that she would remain warm regardless of the conditions, so she was far from worried. Broad shoulders rippled with corded musculature as she prowled along an unknowable path. There was no destination, nor was there a plan. A pack seemed to be in order, as she was beginning to leave her prime. Not to mention, the safety of numbers seemed like a promising endeavour.

The twisted branches of dormant fruit trees reached for the heavens. Amethyst gaze would flicker to their ominous fingers, seeking to tear the heavens from above. The scents of others, fresh and heady within her nostrils, made themselves quickly known. A small grey femme was busy doing her own thing in the middle of a mostly snowless clearing. A little ways away, there was a dark female who bristled like an angry cat. Perhaps it was due to her being one of the tiniest creatures around. On par with Faria. Wherever she was. One brow would rise in question, wordless and yet curious. Now, what was her problem? A few more steps were taken towards the busy woman, thus ignoring the little ebony female.

"What you do?" Intrigue would force the words from her jaws. Perhaps she was looming, but only slightly. Heavy accent effectively making her worse at social interactions than imaginable. There were some herbs here. Not that the woman recognized them. Regardless, she was curious to see what the storm cloud was doing. Nostrils would flare, crown lowering towards the ground to warily get a feeling towards the scents. A pelt carried some bark, pale as a ghost. From the strange bleached trees near the shrine? Or another locale? "What is this?"

"Talk" "You" Think