



10 Years
12-26-2017, 10:05 AM

Ara wasn't quite sure how to place Hymn's reaction. She hoped he knew well enough that Novel would never be replaced - Ara had, by all means, grown up with the Destruction woman. She had spent years caring for her, protecting her, and raising their two sons together; no amount of time would ever make the importance of those memories lessen. Part of her knew he would understand that she no longer wished to be alone - not when life was so much more meaningful when it was shared with another, regardless of what sort of companionship it was. She was grateful when the topic shifted, though, and Hymn grinned and began his story.

He spoke far longer than she expected, and she felt her heart lift as he told her everything, just as she had requested. It was good to hear Psalm had gone somewhere of his own accord, and she hoped he was faring just as well as Hymn. It was somewhat surprising to hear that Hymn had met a woman, and that they'd had children. It was hard to keep the tears from welling in her eyes, though this time they were happy tears. Grandchildren! She'd always hoped for such a thing but had never truly envisioned it; it made her spirits soar, a new passion for life blossoming within her chest.

"Oh, Hymn," she breathed, moving to lean in to him again - overwhelmed with the news of grandchildren, and even more thrilled that he intended to move them here, and meet her at least once. "I'd love to meet them, though I won't be offended if they don't decide to stay," she assured him easily, understanding that remaining in once place didn't work for all wolves.. or even most of them, it seemed. Ara was simply happy to meet them, and happier that Hymn seemed inclined on settling down as well. "Will Oria be joining us as well, do you think?" Her smile grew, a touch of playfulness in her gaze - she was eager to meet Hymn's mate and the mother to their children, and found herself hoping he said yes.