
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin



7 Years
12-26-2017, 02:46 PM

with the Devil ||

She found herself in the northen peaks, staring at a obscure waterfall that had burned for three nights. For three days she had been here; thinking, her mind a spider web of thoughts and memories of long though not forgotten times. The mouth of Hades had opened wide, a waterfall filled with the froth of congealing fire long dead in the womb of the earth, and a molten vehemence, a bursting, crawling, roiling heat, had consumed all, creeping between the rocks as it devoured the underworld, cruelly indifferent to anything in its path. She had witnessed for three days, had watched from a thicket of rocks just yards from it, as the rocks cracked and shattered with a fragility likened to porcelain or glass, the magma violently rushing forth like the current of a basalt sea. Her pomegranate eyes had reflected the deep burn of the fire, had swam with visions of the restless damned clawing from the flames. The top of the cavern was black with billowing smog, smoke clouding the light and eating at the shine of the lava, and Sekhmet, had appeared before her not long ago forcing her world to turn to cinders at her heels. Indeed, the temptress been moved by the uproar and wonder she discovered in one of her isolations, the licking tongues of magma lashing against the rocks as they reached forth to consume everything in their path, a river of fire and doom—God's awesome wrath, unleashed upon mortal home and eye, captured in her heart. She desired, that influence; she wanted, to destroy everything in her path like the destructive liquid before her. "You told us we were Gods, Father."
angellic chords, barely above a whisper and maybe not even completely audible to another's auditory system. A monologue carried with herself, to express the explosive thoughts held within for so long. "Why have we been cast from the skies, left to drag ourselves like snakes across the desert?"
she spatted venom, baring her murderous canines at the air, "Do I not deserve revenge? Power? Have I not suffered my criminal sins and cardinal regrets enough? I believe in no God but myself. I will not bleed for a figment of ones imagination. If what they say it is true, God never wanted us in the first place."
roaring, spatting, spitting acid; huff and puff, the heat growing in her veins like the vulcanic image before her, rolling deep, adding gasoline to the fire but it was not long that she heard the noise. Erect were the ears on top of her crown; full attention, the source was an intruder. How hideous, with all the smoke and heat surrounding them the scent was not idiosyncratic. With the grace of a feline she hid, shadows becoming her home as she waited, the sound of pads growing louder and louder, beating like a drum in her ears. Or was that the sound of her own heart beat? Whatever that is. The only thing that gave her away were the two pomegranate orbs of fire that seemed to float in mid-air into the shadows; measuring planets in size with their own magnetical pool, gazing upon the man that appeard in their sight. Like a demon in disguise she watched him, his words indecipherable but his actions spoke louder. Bowing, worshiping the fire liquid, offering tender whispers and promises of a lover's night. Peculiar.

OOC: I really like the setting and your post was more than fine, lovely.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together