
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
12-26-2017, 04:42 PM
With a Cheshire shaped smile, Setekh lay, watching with an expression of a love-struck child. Sirens deep within the heat called to him, the bubbles whispering sweet nothings that his body could not handle. Once, a long time ago, Seth believed he was a god, his father told him he was above all others, but his life hadn't led the way a gods' should have. With a savage snarl, the wolf dug his claws into the soot, ash, and rock, "That filthy bastard..." The words were hissed, and clipped. Where was he now? Did he care? No. Why would he? Setekh knew, he knew, that he was a bastard child. The only thing he knew of his "blessed" father - the word caused the brute to gag - was that he was a god among fleas. His children wouldn't walk the earth as mere mortals but... Here he was, and he wasn't above anything. It was a sin to curse the beast that bore him, but at the same time... Closing his eyes tightly, the male rolled and writhed in the dirt, covering his markings. He didn't want to think of her. She choked him, she made him... she fed him. On days like this, he could still taste her. With a pained wine, the boy rose and shook off, sitting, hunched over, tears misting his molten vision. You were my salvation... You were my first love... His head hung low, his tail curled along his feet. The ring, the dirt-streaked ring was what he stared at now. "You were my undoing." He muttered.

He could smell the burn, or rather he could feel it. His sense of smell was stunted, the soot, the ash... it was all a bit overwhelming. Perhaps it was this that factored into him missing her, perhaps it was his blind fury toward Ra, but... In this moment his sorrow engulfed him. The flames before him whispered sweet nothings, but also hissed at him for gorging on her. A feast fit for a king, He thought, bitterly, a tear fell from his eye as wicked laughter took him over. Wheezing at first, the brute began to chortle, and chuckle, before he was cackling. His whole body was shaking, but it was clear that something sour had overtaken him. Rising, like the phoenix from the ashes, Setekh let a howl rise from his lips before he began to shout, loud, for any to hear, his voice booming with baritones he was still filling into, "You hear me roar!" He started, his speech, "You listen as I tell you how the world spins! You can either be a fox or you can be a mouse, but if you are a mouse you're only fuel for the foxes!" Another spout of laughter came from his burned lips, and he pranced around the pool, his eyes and teeth gleaming like the true prideful man he was. As he arched his head back, shoulders down, back swayed like a regal German shepherd, his necklace bounced off of his fur. He walked his way further down the slim path, focused still on the pit. Little did he know he was drawing a close to the gap between himself and another, one not too far from his own blood-path.

ooc: Oh... Okay. Alright Setekh