
Doctor, Doctor Gimme the News



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
12-26-2017, 06:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 06:09 PM by Malleus.)
Malleus felt terrible. With the help of a stranger he'd fought a freakish, mutant cougar. The cat had managed to claw him across the face, leaving four long gashes along the right side of his head. The painful marks ran from the base of his ear to the corner of his mouth. While deep at the base of his ear, thankfully the claw marks grew more shallow the closer they got to his mouth, otherwise they would have shredded his cheek. In any case, the entire right side of his face was painfully swollen; so much so that he couldn't see out of his right eye.

To make matters worse, Malleus was fairly certain the mutant cougar had been venomous. Some of its saliva had gotten on his left foreleg during the fight (no bite, thankfully, just splatter from a wet hiss) and where it had landed burned as if he'd been struck with hot coals. Now, hours later, his leg felt strange and tingly. It reminded him of a limb that had fallen asleep; how it ached and refused to work properly. To be honest it felt like someone else's leg and that did not bode well. He needed to get home.

With the still working half of his face screwed up in a determined expression, Malleus continued his slow limp homewards. He had no choice but to make it. Failure wasn't an option.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.