
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin



7 Years
12-26-2017, 06:23 PM

with the Devil ||

Long gone, and lost in a devil's haunting paradise, she moved, a shadow in the cavern, a silhouette against the the anxious orange glow of the lava, the silent pad of her step shrouding her presence in this inferno in an element of anonymity as she sought some answers regarding the beast that just moments ago was before her. Insanity must have stole into his mind like a deranged thief, she reasoned, taking what was important to him, adding new dangerous ideas, seeding a new personality and muddling up the rest, she analyzed based on his speech and actions. New sparks of ideas started to grow roots, deep roots, they started to make sense in one revolutionary eureka moment after another, cascading out of control, luring him further and further from the self he once knew. Wasn't that the definition of a mad man? The only issue with it was that in the end they get so deep that some no longer recognise themselves. Poor bastard, a unfortunate case.
Famine reared its nasty, serpent crown as hunger twisted painfully within, the magma river scattered the prey; as such, she felt weak, as her tumultuous exodus from her family had sent her sprinting into a small journey of isolation. If it gets to it she could not match his strenght in a fight, not like this, she was in disadvantage. Bones, frail, and aching with exhaustion, her body shivered gently against enervation, mongrel tongue snaking forth to moisten her cracked, hungry lips as she slipped through the darkness, her step resolute, if not softened. She was a feral sight to behold, wraith-like and ravenous: thorns and witches snare lay tangled in the silk of her tendrils, her pads black with soot and talons glossy long, her physique made almost wispy in her exertion. These extremities in appearance seemed to almost worsen the surreal illusion of her seraph face, her eyes large and intense in her slender skull.. It seems Gods can feel pain after all. Craving sweet interlude, the temptress continued to follow the mad man, attempting to keep a low profile to further analyze the beast that peeked her interest. In the end, what else was there to do? They were both lost in the garden of evil.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together