
Will you fall for me?



3 Years
12-27-2017, 01:51 AM
Her tired frame finally laid down in the snow, a soft whine leaving her lips only to be sucked back in. To her horror and surprise the mountain began to move and shake like the quakes she knew of the lower valleys. This however was different. A sound shot down the cliffs that was deafening to her, like the sound of thunder but more earthen in tones. She cried out in pain as she stood and shook her limbs awake. Rylee was so afraid that she barely noticed the other wolf running along the cliff side. She pounced out of the snow bank, not caring about the wind anymore. Sadly she barely missed the other wolf entirely and slide in line behind her running for her life down the cliff path.

She realised with little hope that unless they found some kind of giant rock or cave to shield them, She and this mystery wolf would die here.. Today. With that thought in mind a burst of energy spread through her frozen limbs and she kept up with the taller.. much taller.. Now was not the time to get fearful! She chastised herself and dodged the dips of ice that littered the pathway. It was then that she spotted the dark hole in the snow. "THERE!" Rylee cried in glee and dove for what looked to be a cave. His tired little legs darting over the snow bank that almost hid it from view.

As she pasted threw the entrance her body skidded along the floor and banged into the back of the cave. It was definitely a small den of sorts but whatever lived here.. Assuming a large bird of some kind since feathers were frozen into the floor below, must have moved on. Her mind whizzed back to the entrance as the snow just then covered the opening leaving no escape for.. however long it took?
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.