
You're a mean one..



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12 Years
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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-27-2017, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2017, 03:19 AM by Paradise.)

She would first search the south for any traces of her family, but she knew they probably did all go their separate ways. She supposed she couldn't be too sad about it anymore considering she had gone her own way some time ago, but she wanted to at least know how they were doing. Today, her ventures led her to a forest she had been to before in her youth, and it seemed that it remained unchanged. The musty scent of the forest surrounded her, and as she trekked deeper she kept her wits about her. She wasn't afraid. She was never afraid. She was a fiery spirit, she had no fear. If anything, others should fear her! Her temper was unmatched thus far, and the last man who had tried to pull a fast one over her had learned that the hard way.

The petite woman moved fearlessly through the dense foliage, the sunlight above barely broke through the trees but when it did, her pelt practically illuminated like the embers and sparks of a roaring fire. She was an Elementas, after all. Her father had told them the stories of their family, of Voltage and Glacier. Of the rest of the family that held their own special traits...she didn't know what her special traits were asides from being fierce when she needed to be, but then again, who wouldn't be afraid of a woman in a bad mood? No, she was still trying to figure that out.

It was then she heard something nearby, and unknowingly she would come upon another she-wolf? Or...someone, who seemed to be in some sort of trouble. She wasn't sure if she should keep moving or help, but a small prick in her mind told her she should at least check to see if the other was alright. Sighing, she carefully moved closer, "Hey, are you okay? Do you need some help or something?" Her ears flicked, plush tail slowly moving against her hocks. Maybe this wolf was always like this and was completely fine.

"Talk" "You" Think
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