
Break Away



07-04-2013, 12:50 AM

Song quickly followed SIlent under the water, her eyes open, taking in the under water world with concentration. Had she not been fishing she would have enjoyed the scenery much more. She always loved swimming, especially in the ocean. Instead she kept close to the dark she wolf's side, following her gaze to the creatures crawling below. She felt her stomach grumble and as Silent went for hers. Song mirrored her action, choosing a big one yards away from Silent. Delicate jaws grabbing right where its claws would not be able to touch her.
She could feel her lungs start to protest her location, she needed to get air. The lobster struggled intensely, as Song attempted to crush the life out of it with her jaws. It was not aiding in reaching the surface. A slight wave of panic reached her as she struggled to get to the air, paws pushing water as fast as she could. Her lungs burned intensely as the surface inched closer.
Finally when she was sure she would faint her head broke the surface. She struggled to keep hold of the large creature as she gasped for breath glad to be above the water once again. By the time she had surfaced the lobster had died from her powerful jaws, its carapace crushed violently. She gave an achieved smile to Silent, happy to show off her catch. She couldn't talk with the thing in her mouth so she just started to swim to the shore after smiling goofily.
