
What Hurts The Most


07-04-2013, 12:50 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2013, 12:50 AM by Gael.)

No, it's fine. I always want to be open with you. I was just trying not to bother you with it since I was more worried about you... It's just that when you were grooming me just then...When you were grooming me it felt like something was... loosened in my brain. All of old memories are locked away, you see. It like everything from that day I woke up and back is locked away and I've never been able to get to it. But when you were grooming me it felt like it shook something loose, but when I tried to focus on it...Everytime I try to think about back then, I just get this image from that day and I just can't... So it wasn't about him. At least that was somewhat of a relief. But now Gael knew the source of her worry; her memory. His simple action had nearly stirred back her memory, but she couldn't quite grasp it. The young man felt useless, unable to help her. How could he bring back her memories? That was impossible. He didn't even know what they were to begin with, and neither did she since she'd practically lost them. He couldn't even begin to think of ways to bring them back, he'd never met someone who had lost their memory. The guilt returned, but this time, it wasn't because of his grandfather.

The smaller woman avoided her beautiful teal gaze, dipping her skull towards her paws, refusing to look at him. Why did she deny him the opportunity to gaze into her marvelous eyes? Was she that bothered by the fact that she couldn't recall what her life used to have been? He didn't care if she'd lost her memory, or if she didn't ever recover her memory. Those past memories didn't define her anymore. Whatever Meili she'd been back then she obviously wasn't the same woman anymore. She was this Meili, his new friend; that's the Mei she was. Mei look at me please...Don't look away...Not being able to retain your memories is nothing to be ashamed of...It's not your fault. I don't care that you don't remember, that doesn't matter to me. You're Mei, my new friend, a beautiful fun-loving, amazing woman whom I care for a lot despite barely having met you. That's who you are. That's what matters. The silver brute nuzzle the smaller woman, licking her cheek in a soft kiss, audits flattening against his skull. She wasn't supposed to be sad. She was supposed to be happy. Mei was meant to be happy. Always.

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