
Chasing Dreams Like I'm on Novocain



3 Years
12-27-2017, 08:28 PM
Sterling eyes wide as he walked, Leobold kept an eye on his surroundings, casting cursory glances as he walked. His tail was spine level, and after spending such time within the fog-clogged forest, his fur was still heavy with the dew that'd hung so heavily in the air. He stopped for a moment, only long enough to shake his fur out, ending it with a lash of his tail before he ambled on. Nose low to the ground, he waited for something, anything really, to catch his attention. Faring his way through this land and it's many niches would be his new task, he supposed. Sleep would come rarely, as being still was about on par with being bored, and being bored simply would not do.

Soon enough, he caught sight of something in the distance, and when he did, excitement unfolded within him like an impromptu origami flower, and he easily leapt into a romp towards the structure only yards away.

It didn't take him long to reach it, and when he did, his head was tilted back in silent wonderment. The massive thing easily towered over the tallest moose he'd seen in his few years, and as he studied it, his hind legs bunched behind him, preparing to launch him onto the bulky haunch of the beast. Leobold leapt, and as his front paws slammed atop the substantial haunch, his back legs scrambled for purchase. The nails of his back paws caught on something angular (but not sharp enough to cut), and he pushed, hoisting himself up as he hastily moved his front paws further.

The haunch shuddered, and as he finally came to rest on top of what could only be the beast's snout, Leo panted lightly. Hardly the hardest climb he'd ever had but whereas rocks gave you nook and crannies to dig into, this beast was far too angular to scale gracefully.