
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
12-28-2017, 08:12 AM
The warmth caused his head to spin, and deliriously the brute twisted and turned, this way and that. His footfalls crisscrossing and zig-zagging, this way and that. If there was anyone to see his frenzied moves, they would think him ill, drunk, or mentally challenged. The beast circled his way around the basin of fire, his eyes brightening with each move of the molten hell spinning and bubbling. His teeth ground side to side, the scraping reminded him so of the sounds he made when he ate her down to the bones. God that sound was awful! And the smell... Oh Gods the smell! His stomach flipped at the thought of the days he spent writhing in agony beside her rotting carcass. It wasn't until later, when the old wolf found him, that he knew he was destined for so much more. Ra, His eyes narrowed to slits and he froze, the cave stilling, all but the bubbling of the deadly lake beside him, I'm so much more than you have ever dreamed me to be. You left me, you left her... But I know I'll see you again. And when I do, come eternal damnation, I'll show you what you mean to me. His musing calmed his quaking body, his anger slipping slowly away... but somewhere in this dimly lit palace of torture, there was a sound.

Ears twitched in anticipation, his tail flicking left and right, his back to whomever this intruder was. He waited, still, poised like a gargoyle atop a roof. Setekh grinned, and his voice came out silky, his tones caressing the night like a blanket, "Didn't your mother teach you that it was rude to stare at someone?" A chuckle rose from this throat, and he peered over his shoulder into the darkness, "Come out, come out, wherever you are, cherub. My, my, my..." He let his eyes close and his tail sway behind him, like a flag, "Don't be shy, I don't bite..." He paused, to lick his lips, the air stale and hot, even though it was choked full of fumes, Liar, liar, pants on fire! He smiled, opening his eyes narrowing, scanning the areas behind him, "We're both drawn here, for one reason or another... I'll tell you my secrets, if you tell me yours." The silence lengthened, and Setekh waited, patiently. Come little butterfly, fly into my web. I'll feed you secrets, and lies... But for those, you may wind up dead.

ooc: I honestly wasn't sure how else to make them notice one another xD My bad, sorry this one was meh.