
The Abraxas Brood



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
01-07-2018, 03:05 AM
Mon roped me into making a Razi sibling. Blue and I agreed to share the design and make twins.

Name: Nura
Gender: Female
Design: [Image: gPym5qT.png]
The oracle is a china doll, standing at 37 inches she is just slightly shorter than her other litter mate, her frame is light and almost frail looking, she is distinctly different from her more brutish, demonic family. Unlike them she is clearly not built for fighting, though perhaps that is for the better.

Swathed in eye catching gold and black Nura will never know how majestic she truly is. The base of her coat is a pure pitch black, her coloration comes in as a golden color along the fur running at the rim of her elbow. The same color marks around her eye and flecks under it. The top of her skull all the way down her neck, along her shoulders and just past them are marked with the same golden coloration, which fades out down the side of her body into more flecked markings. A silvery, grey color is also flecked along her stomach and the top of her for legs.

Seated deep in that black fur is a pair of pale, clouded and sightless eyes.

Personality: Oracle- Despite being born physically blind, Nura has the sight. She and her twin Nowa both profess the ability to see the future in one form or another. Though while Nowa was given the gift Nura was given the curse. Her "visions" are only that of misfortune or death for at least one of the wolves involved in her prophecy.

Believer- Despite her less than pleasant ability Nura is a true believer in her father's words and her older brother's mission. There can be no other explanation for her and her twin's "gifts" other than their divine birth. She sought only to help her family once more ascend to their heavenly throne regardless of the good or ill it will cause.

Two of a kind- Nura and her sister Nowa are close in the way only identical twins can be. They share much, as both fully blind and seers they are sometimes the only ones that truly understand each other. They are so close it is rare to see them separate from each other and tend to share opinions about individuals, it would be very rare for one to like a wolf the other does not. Still they both are individuals and they will not let you forget it.

Unfeeling- Nura can often seem so detached that she may seem to be almost an automaton, she ultimately has little care for the fate of mortals as she neither wishes them ill nor particularly cares if they face success. She is very objective in her views and understanding of the world, the pain or joy of others has little effect on her life.

Dark- Despite her more neutral stance Nura very much has slipped into the mind set of her curse, she brings harm to others and has accepted her role as a doom bringer. Having dived so fully into her role she turned her interests from the healing arts to poisons instead.

Plans: Nura will find her way to the empire and offer her sight to help her family in their expansion. I'd love to see her delve more into poisons etc as she's not really fit for fighting or hunting. Blue and I were also planning on having our twins wear some simple golden bangles on opposite legs to help tell them apart as well, so those would be purchased. If one of them finds a love interest chances are they will share him.

RP Sample: Snow fell around the oracle, lightly dusting her shadowy coat and if she could have seen the serene scene spread out before her she might have thought it beautiful, or perhaps she would have only been drawn to it's darker side. The snow muffled everything, the world was as quite as death, fitting for the bringer of it. She shifted her weight to her side, knowing Nowa was there and for a moment the twins basked in each other's heat. Then pulling herself away Nura spoke, her minds eye swimming with visions of the future. "Before our brother's conquest is complete there will be much bloodshed. The mortals will not go quietly." Her tone was even, neutral as if she gave no care either way.

Nura wondered if her sister had seen the same thing, their visions often seemed to be linked, though only one of them ever saw the true scope of the horrible fate that awaited them. "Brother will need our guidance in the weeks to come." She stated as thought it were the most plain fact in the world. "Shall we?" It wasn't really a question, there was only one reason the pair had come to these lands to begin with. Somewhere a head of them a bird let out an alarm call, warning all other prey in the surrounding area and Nura's lips twisted up into the smallest form of a smile, yes they were coming, and with them they brought the power to bring the mortal realm to it's knees.