
I wash my hands of this weirdness...


07-04-2013, 01:10 AM
Ears perked immediately, he turned his head towards the entrance to his den. Someone was nearby? He dropped the rest of his belongings in the back of his hidden den, and made his way out. The rugged pirate exited his hidden hollow, vines falling into place behind him. Glancing around, he slipped around the rocks to find the source of the voice he had heard. His dirty black and brown pelt was but a shadow in this domain. His domain. The place he had been hiding from all manner of wolves who'd probably be looking for him. After all, he had pillaged surrounding packs and rogues, and whoever else was out here who had something he wanted. He was a pirate, he couldn't help what he was. Though, he was a very strange pirate...he was not good, but he was also not bad. Lying somewhere in between.

After a few minutes, he had finally spotted something. A brown figure hopping about on a large rock several yards away. Brown eyes observed the chocolate brown creature. And judging by the sound of the echoing voice, a female. He made his way closer, staying out of her sights. He crept up, quiet as the midnight moon. Once there, he continued to stay out of sight. Hiding in a swath of bushes. Now, she'd be able to scent him, and hear him, but not see him. Not yet, anyway. "And what would a dame such as yourself be doin' way out here by yer lonesome? Don't you know there are all manner of dangerous creatures about? Like Pirates?"