
Step Lightly


07-04-2013, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:42 AM by Yin.)

From nearly wanting to rip his head off to wading in a shallow pool together to numb their wounds, Yin and Hansel had come a long way in such a short amount of time. She hadn't thought that wandering away from her brother to explore than land would've been that bad. She never expected to be attacked by what she would later discover to be a mountain lion. She had somewhat expected to run into someone else, but she had never foreseen herself making a type of friendship with another, especially not with someone like Hansel. And yet here she was, sharing something of a comradeship with the gray man as the two tended to their wounds to the best of their abilities.

The icy water was a shock to her body, violent tremors rocking her body, making ripples span out from around her frame. It took several minutes for her body to adjust to the freezing water before she was able to control the tremors down to the occasionally shiver, relief spreading across her body as the water numbed her throbbing wounds. It wasn't a permanent cure, but it was better than nothing at the moment. A slightly amused smirk curled her pale lips as she watched her companion approach the water, allowing a paw to breach the surface of the liquid before he recoiled, the temperature too much for him. Quiet chuckles rumbled in her chest as she watched him make the attempt to step into the little pond, stopping about midway to his belly. She could tell he didn't like the coldness of the water, but knowing it was the only cure they had at the moment, Hansel moved himself completely into the water. Just as it had to her, the water shocked his system, causing him to shiver uncontrollably. Not knowing if it would help but not seeing any harm in it, Yin approached her companion, pressing her now numb body against his, hoping to provide at least some warmth.

Audits twitched to attention as Hansel spoke, telling her that he felt much better and that they should seek shelter soon. I'm feeling better too and shelter sounds like a good idea. Know of any places we can hole up in for the night? Mismatched gaze remained steady on her companion awaiting his direction.

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