
Big Kids Break The Rules



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
12-30-2017, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 01:16 PM by Darya.)

Darya was rummaging around in the roots of a great big tree, her rump high in the air and small tail wagging fiercely as she explored every nook and cranny of the hulking thing. Lately Divo had been wandering away more often and as much as Darya loved Dom she simply didn't want to explore so Darya had been left to find her own fun by herself. Which was just fine by her, she loved her family but sometimes she wanted to have exciting stories to tell them... Like the time she and the blue boy had fought monsters!

Speaking off, Darya had just pulled her nose out of the earthy smelling cavern when a familiar scent reached her. It wasn't exact but to her young and unknowing mind the smell could only mean one thing. Jupiter! Tiny tail wagging the girl bound after the scent. "Jupiter?" she called in lightly accented tones. "Where Jupiter?" Hellfire gaze swept the forest looking for her friend. Then it occurred to her that maybe he was hunting a monster! Suddenly dropping into the most stealthy crouch she manage the girl crept through the forest, rump high and nose pushed into the dirt.

Finally she tracked the scent to a burrow and with the wild abandon only a child who has yet to face any danger could summon pushed her head directly into the mouth of the hole. "Darya found Jup-" As her eyes adjusted she suddenly faced the realization that she hadn't found Jupiter. Instead she was face to face with a boy very reminiscent of her friend but quite clearly not him. Her tiny face turned from a grin to shock, her mouth forming a silent O before she was suddenly overcome with shyness and began to backpedal, panicked.

Walk "Говорить" Think

Lineart by TaruFaolchu