
A Rare Opportunity



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-30-2017, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2018, 08:56 PM by Tealah.)
Everyone knows that Tealah simply does not do open adopts for pups born to her wolves. So what on earth is this adoption?! Leto and Chaos are having pups, and during their recent conversation it came to light that Chaos is the last scion of the Saxe family, or rather the last of that name. So Leto, to whom family is extremely important even if she doesn't like to admit it, would strongly consider bringing one of the pups to be raised by him as a Saxe (especially since she doesn't like pups so the idea of raising more than one of the little beasts would be horrifying) while raising the other as an Aeris.

Now this is still not what I would call an open adoption precisely. I am tentatively open to the idea of someone playing this pup (and may take a second one myself if the prospective player wanted a sibling raised with them) but I am going to be EXTREMELY picky about this baby and their future. Probably picky to the point of offending people so if you are easily offended by being turned down for any reason, this adoption is probably not for you, because I reserve the right to turn down ALL potential adopters regardless of whether there are any other apps. I would rather skip the plot entirely if I don't find a good fit this time.


Tentatively accepting:

Star wolf/unnatural coat designs - designs should be similar to Chaos and Leto and neither of them are full abnormal like the other Aeris wolves since Leto has a black base and while Chaos has stripes he doesn't have unnatural coloring at all, but having some is certainly acceptable and a good full color design would be considered. Chaos also carries his mother's gene for silver banding on each hair which gives the illusion of a different colored highlights in bright light (see Chaos and his siblings Evangeline, Angelus, and Seraphim, and their mother Cascade to see some options there). Chaos’ family tends to inherit small dots arranged under the eyes like Chaos has which would be cool to see but I won't require that this time.

Mutations - Chaos carries a mutation (flat, serrated fangs like a sabretooth lion) so it isn't unreasonable to assume that his kids might also have mutations. They would need to be ok'd by me before adoption, not decided on later after you are given the character

Dire height (and other purchased height) - Chaos' older brother Angelus has dire wolf height and his grandmother was one of the original dire wolves on the site, so dire height does run through his mom's side, and on Leto's side her father Mithras was dire wolf height if I remember correctly, so it is possible. Almost all of Chaos’ siblings inherited at least 42” height (maybe all?) and Leto’s sister Artemis is also tall. Pups will be able to get 25% discounted height up to 42” from Chaos.


Definitely not accepting:

Super evil personalities - Chaos (or Leto, who will be raising them until weaning) would not put up with the sort of traits that would lead to an extremely evil personality. Dark, OK. Mischievous certainly. I think a neutral alignment is more likely than either good or outright evil, and chaotic is definitely a probability. Neither Leto nor Chaos is particularly goody-goody or particularly monogamous and both are capable and enthusiastic warriors, but they will not put up with outright murder, rape, cannibalism, etc. They will not put up with mad dog tendencies, period.

Transgender/transexual - this isn't because I don't approve IRL or whatever, but rather because Chaos would not, at all, and would outright refuse to acknowledge them which would be the opposite of the point of giving him a kid. Not something I as his player want to deal with.

Pup who hates family for no reason - I flat out refuse to adopt out a pup who dislikes the Saxe, Imperialis, or Aeris. They will be raised to respect their bloodlines and their family. Neither Chaos nor Leto will put up with spoiled, snotty behavior. If in the course of role play as they progress through life there are events that genuinely make them question their loyalty to their family that is different, but I will expect it to actually be in character and will be pretty displeased if that sort of decision is made oocly and forced

Magical personality changing characters - obviously personalities change as characters grow up and IC events change them, but I have adopted out characters before that the adopter has immediately changed their personality away from what was adopted to them. Not cool, man. Not cool. I want to see a character react to events according to the base personality that I had originally approved of, and change in REALISTIC ways

Continuously resorting to rape/maim plots - I think it is pretty reasonable for me to ask that you not deliberately throw this character into plots where they will be raped or maimed. Chaos would absolutely, 100% straight up kill anyone who did something like that to his child, assuming Leto didn't find out first and do something even worse. Seriously, both these parents are super protective and vindictive, and it would not end well for anyone. I am all for IC drama happening IC but I am tired of needing to hold my characters back because people preplan plots like this and then whine about it when there are consequences. Plus didn't I mention earlier that they are both capable and enthusiastic fighters? Yeah this pup will be getting fight training from the moment their eyes are open yo.

Inactivity - I expect at least a post every couple weeks for this character even as a pup. A prolonged absence/haitus without directly discussing the character with me will get the character taken back to readopt. Setting them inactive will be grounds for them being taken back immediately. If I need to read opt them, I expect all height and design purchases to be transferred with them, not refunded or transferred to a different character. Name, design, etc will all be expected to go with the character if it needs to be readopted regardless of how many or few posts were made on the account.


OK so this all may seem pretty extreme but like I said I very rarely choose to adopt out babies from my characters so if I am going to give someone this opportunity I want it to develop into a character that I will actually feel good about having given to someone, not something that I regret.

<b>Design:</b> (one of the ones I will be providing when I get home or a lineart reference to your own)
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General plans:</b>
<b>RP sample:</b> 200 word minimum

Some possible designs via Fox:

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write