
Blood in the Water - Sparrow and abaven wolves!



10 Years
01-01-2018, 02:30 AM

Caelum considered Sparrow's question seriously, trying to come up with the best way to express her thoughts. When she responded, she spoke with care, "I understand the need to be certain... Well, I suppose the first thing that gives me good reason to believe they are tied were the scents. As I approached the one who went after me, there were more than just a few unfamiliar scents hanging around. While I did not recognize them, they all shared a similar quality, I suppose? Like... Family. Relatives, how wolves who are related can smell very similar to each other. So I suppose it would be odd for a family to come target our pack at the same time as our leader was being challenged. Not entirely impossible, but hard to believe at least to me." She supposed she would eventually know the truth, especially if she ever got to reconnect with more of her pack mates and compare stories. Speaking of, that reminded her of another detail. "Of course, there was also the fact that when my pack mate came to my aid, he told me to run. 'Run, and warn the other packs.' I can't imagine I'd need to be warning anyone if the only attacker was the one that went after me," she shrugged. Seemed logical enough to her at least.

A soft sigh escaped her lungs, the older woman seeming to deflate ever so slightly as she rehashed these recent and traumatic events. As frightened and exhausted as she was, it still felt like she hadn't really wrapped her brain around what happened. If she had, Cae figured she'd be a lot more upset knowing she'd just lost her second home in a way that was disturbingly similar to the way she lost the first one. She was too old for this crap, but fate seemed bent on dealing her some pretty crappy hands in life. Smiling gratefully at Sparrow, she struggled to voice her thanks in a way that would scratch the surface of how relieved she was to have stumbled into a pack that was ruled by a woman so generous, "Thank you so much, Sparrow. If it's really no trouble then yes, I would enjoy the opportunity to rest for some time here. I'm afraid I'll really be feeling the journey here come tomorrow morning." She shook her head and laughed a little as she realized how old she'd really become. It still amazed her she'd managed to be a mother at her age, though she was eternally happy to have her precious youngest daughter. Turning to Brandr as he spoke, she gave him a warm smile, "That sounds lovely, I'd like that very much. You've both been very kind and I cannot thank you enough."

After a moment of thought she turned back to Sparrow and added, "I do feel I should warn you, my mate can be a bit... Rough around the edges when you first meet him. I wouldn't put it past him to act like a fool and... Well, you never can tell what Zephyr will do or say half the time, but ideally the worst he'll do is be a little rude. He has more than enough reason to doubt the safety of packs though so he'd be likely to let that effect his attitude." Shaking her head and rolling her cyan eyes skyward Caelum let a breathy laugh fall from her onyx lips. "He sure is a character, that man. Don't know what came over me when I went and fell in love with such a creature but here we are." She might have felt a bit embarassed to find herself rambling, but she was tired and more than happy to hide behind the excuse of being old. You could get away with quite a bit when you were old.

[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]