
★ Lizard Hunting [Hunting event]



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
01-01-2018, 11:26 AM

Brandr barked out a laugh and sighed at the woman. My, my wasn't she full of herself? Barging in without first assessing a situation was a great way to get injured or killed. He supposed she was brave, he'd give her that at least but it was not his nature to charge in blindly. "What you call hesitation, I call assessment and planning." Brandr wasn't quite sure what to make of her comment on boldness. In his opinion boldness could also set your ass on fire if you didn't pair it with some good old fashioned common sense.

Brandr crouched down and eyed the tegu as it puffed up and hissed. This was not going to be an easy thing to kill. He snorted at her comment and grinned. "Oh, yup, that's me totally paralyzed by fear." His voice dripped sarcasm but he remained where he was, eager for the woman to get the thing agitated so he could examine the creature. Lizards weren't his preferred prey. Most were to small to be worth more than a snack and he wasn't overly fond of the meat. Brandr didn't think of himself as using the woman, not really, it was just team work. She wanted to charge in, he wanted to hang back and together they could compensate for one another. Come to think of it he was getting rather hungry. Brandr didn't kill for sport very often but maybe it would be worth killing and eating the creature to give him fuel for the journey back to Abaven.

The woman charged forward and Brandr's golden eyes focused intently on the lizard. His sharp gaze assessed the creature as it twisted to bite at the woman, thankfully missing. Massive muscles covered it's jaws and neck. These were the sort of jaws that would lock in place once a bite was achieved and the teeth that curved back were perfect for shredding flesh but did not seem like the kind that might inject venom. "Nicely done, it doesn't have he right sort of fangs for venom but the jaws compensate with power, they will lock if a bite is achieved." There was also the problem of the thick muscles of the jaw also protecting the throat.

A bite from this tegu would be nasty but knowing that he was unlikely to be killed by a single bite Brandr felt emboldened. He stalked toward the lizard and it whirled to face him. Quietly her crouched down watching that whip-like tail lash violently back and forth. Brandr pounced to his right, watching the thing follow him but then it turned back to the woman and then back to him. Brandr kept himself opposite of Faelene to keep the lizard guessing from where the next attack occurred. He trusted the woman to keep the lizards attention. Brandr fell still, his muscles tensing, his body coiling tight like a spring. He had a plan in mind and as soon as the back of the lizards head was turned toward him his body exploded into action as he closed the distance in one leap, twisting his head violently to his right, fangs piercing into the back of the creatures neck just back from the head.

The lizard began to twist and flail it's tail lashing through the inside of his hind legs leaving light gashes that brought blood to the surface of his skin. Good grief it was strong! Brandr's jaws ached but he held firm trying to lift the creatures head so Faelene could get at the throat.

Some evenings feel like windows where we tip our hats beyond all the failures that afflict us and the dusk that feeds the dawn