
I Once Had A Pair of Siamese Elephants… [Ara]



10 Years
01-01-2018, 12:37 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2018, 12:37 PM by Ara.)
Perhaps going too far north wasn't such a good idea. She hadn't touched base with Athena in awhile, though she'd caught her scent trail and knew she was in the general vicinity, or had been recently. The closer the season got to spring, the more interested she was in heading further south - somewhere warmer and more fertile, to look for a place to settle down in and meet Hymn's children as well as somewhere to start collecting and storing herbs in. She had the bag that she carried slung over her shoulder to carry her stores in, but they always stayed fresher somewhere dark and cool rather than being jostled around all the time.

Her bag was nearly empty now, but she still carried it slung over her neck. It'd been awkward to get used to, but it was both practical and sentimental to her now and she refused to part with it, and now that she'd worn it in the same spot the fur there was pressed down slightly from the constant contact. Today she was looking for something to start properly filling it, though she knew it was far too early in the season. At least the snow to the north had begun to melt and the sun down in these lands seemed brighter, the earth returning to its more fertile state. The older woman navigated the knolls slowly, not in any hurry to get anywhere. Only when the scent of a buffalo herd nearby came to her attention did her posture stiffen, not wanting to accidentally stumble into their path. She veered away from their scent as best as she could, though when she rounded one of the knolls she heard the slapping of paws against earth and wondered if she'd gone the wrong way.

What greeted her in the distance, though, was a wolf instead of a cow, panting and looking like he'd just run for his life - and Ara thought it very possible he may have been. The slight scent of blood clung to him, faint but recognizable as she lifted her head to sniff at the air and examine the scents the wind carried.  He was a stranger, and yet concern laced her aging features as she began to close the distance between them. Her voice was soft as she finally spoke up as she headed his way, reading to flee if he proved agitated or unwelcoming. "Sir, are you alright?" Ara inquired, compassion lacing her tones and expression as her brows furrowed in concentration as she looked him over. "I'm sorry to bother, but I smell blood on you and.. it looks as though you've been running from something?" If he needed help, she would give it gladly, already feeling a sense of purpose building in her chest as she waited.