
Never looking back



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-01-2018, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2018, 12:37 PM by Ásvor.)

At the mention of growing bored of life as a rogue, Ásvor nodded in understanding. "You're right there. I guess just.. settling has always bothered me." She shrugged lightly, wondering of Valdis would understand. She didn't like the thought of just picking a pack that seemed to fit and trying to join - what she truly wanted was for Yfir to be reborn, for at least one of her siblings to rule a grand empire and to follow them loyally.. but alas, the gods had not intended that yet, and she knew her mother was in no such condition to try to rebuild their kingdom. "I don't crave power myself, not really -" Not in the way a leader did, though she was sure having a small sliver of power might be thrilling. "- but it feels strange that my family no longer has an empire of their own. It makes me feel aimless."

A smile was offered, head tilting briefly toward Valdis. "Thank you for the offer, though. I'll let you know what I decide, either way." Somehow, Valdis had managed to earn Asvor's respect, and even a bit of loyalty.. even if their meetings were spread apart, she felt like she owed it to her to at least keep in touch when she could travel down this way. "Most of them tend to be drawn to the northern part of the continent, so that's where I'll be heading next. The gorge and the forests surrounding it are like home to us, so if you ended up venturing that way, call for me." Lightly she leaned to half-nudge, half-nuzzle Valdis' shoulder affectionately. She didn't want to lose touch with her entirely, even if their paths tended to go separate ways most of the time.