
All For You

Zephyr I


10 Years
01-02-2018, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2018, 08:45 PM by Nyx.)
Zephyr had taken much longer than he'd expected trailing after his wife and daughter. He was grateful that Malleus (not that he knew his first name, of course) had let him go without much of a fuss, though he wasn't going to deny that his not-so-thinly veiled threat of taking control of any future children of his didn't leave him feeling unsettled. His little speech about his family was a bit weird too.. and of little real interest to Zephyr, if he was being totally honest. Not that he was enough of an idiot to admit it at the time. He'd just wanted to get out of there unscathed, and ensure that his family was alive and in one piece.

He'd been in such a hurry to get there that he'd hardly been paying any attention to his surroundings for much of his journey. He was focused completely on trailing after their scents, not on where his paws were going, and sometime halfway there he found himself surprised by a small disruption in the terrain and stupidly twisted his paw. The injury wasn't serious, maybe a minor sprain, but it definitely hindered his journey by a bit. He wouldn't arrive at Abaven's borders until the following morning, having taken a short rest, and by the time he caught scent of a pack's borders separating him from his family he found he was in a foul mood. Their absence, coupled with his twisted back left paw and now knowing they'd ended up in a pack of complete strangers.. well, he wasn't in the best mood. Though he was grateful that he knew they were nearby - and hopefully here of their own accord and not taken by force.

Zephyr paused at the borders, after hobbling to a slow walk, letting loose an irritable and slightly-too-demanding howl. The irritability was meant for whoever owned these lands, and whoever might have answers for her, rather than Caelum or Caelestis; he merely wanted to see that they were, in fact, here and safe.