
It is not Just Beauty in this Dimension [Amon]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
01-02-2018, 11:04 PM
Archon shifted slightly as his father approached. He was glad to see his father, and his father seemed glad to see him. As his father spoke, his maw became dry. He dipped his head.

"I sought out to study these creatures which we share a form with. I wanted to find a potential mate as soon as possible to spread our lineage."

Archon's ears folded. Here was the difficult part.

"I found that many of these creatures all but reject the notions of gods, or rather they believe in only invisible gods with no presence in this world."

This, after all, was to be expected of lesser beings.

"Even when presented with greatness, they refuse to accept it as any form of proof. They deny it outright-
loudly. I could only bear to remove their tongues to spend any amount of time with them."

It was regrettable, but not surprising.

"Though I found many that boasted vivid coloration, strange mutations, and towering forms, none were of quality to mate. I have found that with strangeness and even exceptional physical traits, many of these creatures exhibit an... oddity about their minds. A delusion that they are special and somehow in control of their destiny."

Archon let out an exasperated sigh, "Father, when I looked to spread our line, I asked many how they made the choice. Many said it boiled down to 'attraction,' though I have never experienced such a thing for any of these creatures. I have found none worthy of bearing our line.

He reflected a moment. Well... what he had said wasn't completely truthful.

"The one time I thought I might have found one with potential, she spoke-"
he stuttered and spat, "She spoke heresy. She bid me come with her, to leave my family line, my studies, The Fallen God and go with her. She admitted that she 'played along' with the idea of our bloodline being that of gods, and that it was time for me to stop playing around."

Archon straightened himself and cleared his throat. His father didn't need to know all the grisly details of what happened.

"Needless to say it didn't end well- for her."

If he couldn't hook a mate, then what HAD he been doing all this time? He was sure his father needed more than just 'failing to find a mate.'

"I have, however, learned much about these beings and their traditions across the lands. I have picked up some of their healing techniques and- while I am no expert- it may prove useful as we claim what's rightfully ours by hastening the healing process."

He squirmed a little. Would his father even care about healing plants these mortals came up with? Did it matter? Did any of his studies matter?

"Though I have been gone, I assure you I have spread The Fallen God's rage. Each potential I found and deemed unworthy was made to feel just that- unworthy- before I left. This, I've done in God's name."

Archon smiled just a tad.

"I see where I have fallen short, you have succeed tenfold. Tell me... did they struggle?"