


07-04-2013, 10:35 AM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback stopped when she saw a paw print in the mushy mud. Taking a closer look she sniffed it, and concluded that the indent belonged to Pontifex. Eagerly bounding forward, Switchback hoped that she could catch up with him, and possibly learn more about the territory. He could teach me the best places to hunt! She thought, And maybe even show me places where rogues are common. Oh he could teach me so much! I can't wait to learn!

Continuing at a mid-lope, Switchback increased her speed. She really wanted to catch up to Pontifex and have a chat with him. To her Pontifex seemed nice and loyal, and Switchback assumed that he was experienced in the ways of Sercia. She figured that he would make a great teacher out of all of her packmates she had met so far. With an excited leap, Switchback continued on.

Scenting the air again she picked up two more wolf scents. One was Sercian, one was not. Halting, Switchback looked around, and glanced at Pontifex's paw prints beneath her. They seemed to lead towards the mixture of scents. Flicking her ears, Switchback continued forward, listening for any danger that could sneak up behind her. And as she followed in Pontifex's steps, she neared the Sercian border. The closeness of the border made her fur stand up a little, but she refused to turn and bound away. Who was this stranger on the land?

Coming up to a bush, Switchback hunkered down beneath it, hiding herself from view. Then she poked her face around it saw three wolves standing by each other, and one was the golden-eyed wolf she had been hoping to see. The other Sercian wolf was a gray with faded red spots. Switchback had never met this she-wolf, but she hoped that they would know each other soon. The last wolf was covered in wounds, and was as black as night. Taking in her scent Switchback finally concluded that it was the perfume of Amenti. Switchback had explored their territory when she was a rogue, and knew the scent almost as well as she knew Sercia's. Pushing the random thoughts about her exploration aside, Switchback began to wonder why the Amenti she-wolf was here alone. Shouldn't she have taken her someone from her pack along with her? It was rather dangerous to venture out to another pack's border alone.

Taking a few steps out from behind the bush she lowered her head and tail, showing her submission to her packmates. Then she raised her head, but kept her tail lower than the others out of respect. "Hello Pontifex," She said, and then turning to the other Sercian she-wolf she began, "Hello, ma'm. I'm sorry, but what is your name? I don't think I've met you yet. I'm Switchback." When she was finished Switchback shot a smile towards her and glanced at the woman standing on the border. She would have said something to her also, but it seemed as if the other wolves had already covered it.

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