
It is not Just Beauty in this Dimension [Amon]



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-03-2018, 09:59 AM

Amon listened with calm patience to Archon's tale. Truthfully, it did intrigue him. Amon did bear a deep and undeniable love for his children, and an unquenchable desire to see them succeed. As such, he had raised them in the same fashion his own father had raised he and his many siblings. It would seem his first litter were as flighty as Pyralis had been, and all had ventured far from these lands since coming of age. It seems Archon's first intent had been to find a suitable mate, and Amon could respect that. He too had sought his first broodmother soon after he became capable of siring a litter of his own.

To hear that Archon had been confronted by a siren of sorts, one that had tried to lure him away had the titan's lip twitching. Amon had seen many of his elder kin fall victim to the wiles of mortal temptation as he grew up in his father's pack. Archon claimed to have dealt with the threat accordingly, and Amon let out a dry laugh gently tinged with relief. "Good. Would that all of our kin were capable of standing against such temptations. You've proven yourself to the Fallen God in this, I assure you. I should think he will bless you for your devout actions." Archon seemed uncertain in how he would be received, but Amon found himself undeniably proud that his son had chosen their God over the wiles of a mortal demon certainly sent to tempt him.

It would seem in the moons following Archon had turned his sight's away from breeding and towards continuing his studies on his own. Amon nodded, pleased to hear that a focus had been on healing, truly believing that every wolf ought to be able to tend to themselves if need be. And yet he could sense the apprehension his son felt standing in his presence. As it should be, Amon reflected quietly, if only because in his mind he saw himself with the same posture, the same nervous light in his own eyes while sitting before their grandfather. Still, Archon had done well and Amon would have him know that. "There is little in this world that will be worthy of you, son," he rumbled out in his deep, graveling voice. "Do not let that dissuade you from appraising all that comes across your path. With loyal service to our God comes blessings the likes of which none of us could conceive until they are bestowed upon us. What I have accomplished is merely a result of his favor.

"Our conquest was glorious proof that the Fallen God is the rightful ruler of the heavens. We cut through them like fire through snow, striking into the heart of the pack. Our vanguard met that pack leader, who foolishly demanded a death pay for our supposed transgressions, when we had come to offer them mercy for their service. The fool bled out on the dirt before he could lay a fang against my pelt."
Amon spat. The rest of the pack had fled like the fleas they were, but no one could escape the gaze of a God for long. "You return at a good time, Archon. The pack has more or less been settled and I think before long we will be turning ourselves towards our next conquest." After all, Amon dreamed of a day when no corner of this land would exist without knowing the name Abraxas as it's ruler. Before long, he was certain it would be theirs.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!