



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-03-2018, 10:49 AM

Amon waited for the various responses he was sure to get. Each of his family members were highly capable and he was certain most would excel in many different roles. Pyralis spoke first, and he found himself hardly surprised by her initiative. He was somewhat surprised to hear that she had her eye on the position of second in command, though apparently not for long. "Pyralis, you know I trust your judgement and although I occasionally want to kill you for it, you do a marvelous job of keeping me grounded. I would be pleased to have you stand as second in command for a while. I also agree that many of our new arrivals have potential to do great things once they are settled into the area. We will reconvene during summer to assess all higher rankings." He nodded to her and moved on.

Seth spoke next, again surprising him. Amon had had little to do with the dwarf but he supposed he must have been doing his job well enough if no one had killed him yet. It was surprising enough that he survived the trek to these lands, but to have survived a year and longer living with a particularly chaotic branch of their kin? Perhaps Amon ought to carve out time to chat with his nephew and reassess his skills. Seth would be a healer for the pack, as he had been, and this was no surprise. His idea however was novel, and knowing that Amon would soon have to treat with the mortal leaders, a tempting proposal. "Perhaps you are right. The team, or teams, which travel to the other packs will have to be chosen very carefully. You may make an interesting addition." Amon was uncertain he would be fit to travel for such long distances and keep pace with the rest but that was something Amon felt was best discussed in private.

Malleus volunteered to accompany Seth and Amon smiled wryly. Well, if there were a combination to make it work, that would certainly be the one. His son didn't seem certain what role would best suit him, but Amon had been ruminating over this for a while. "As my firstborn son, I would see you become my heir to my portion of this Empire, whatever it's holdings may be when I become feeble and it is my time to step down. You have proven yourself in your travels and since your return as well. Being the most involved of my children, you've earned it, and I believe you could make an excellent leader one day." It was rare praise coming from Amon, one might even call it glowing, but of all of his children Malleus was the one who had shown the most initiative and presence and his littermates and half-siblings.

Razi requested an advisory role, and Amon conceded that she would likely be fit for it, though he as not overly familiar with her skill set. He did know that Razi had been among the first Abraxas to follow him to this land, and there she remained as level and thoughtful as she had been upon arriving. It was a consistency verging on trust that Amon thought could be beneficial in the upper rankings of their structure. "Razi, you were one of the first to come with us to these lands, and I doubt anyone here can question your dedication to the family. I think you would fill the role of Expert Scout well. You can begin to prove it by showing the apprentices around the new lands we claim." He offered her a slight smile and a raised brow to see how she would react to the immediate order. If she questioned herself, Amon felt he was fit to question her as well.

Andras spoke and drew Amon's memory back to the day he and Pyralis had discovered his presence here. Andras wished to be an inquisitor of sorts, and Amon found himself wondering how close he would toe the line of 'mad dog.' The male's brash, indulgent nature unsettled Amon, though neither traits were particularly rare among his kin, and nor was Andras' gluttonous love for violence. In fact, all were things that could be used, if handled properly. Amon hummed. "I could see the use in such a role, though I believe it is something that will need to be discussed in greater detail. Find me in the days to come and we can discuss what your plan is, and perhaps assign a team to assist you."

To the rest Amon said. "Alright then. I think we've sat around long enough. Requested ranks will be filled. If you've found yours doesn't suit you I will not be hard to find. I expect to see everyone practicing their skills during this rest while we plan our next move. If that means spars, then spar. If that means stocking pack supplies then find an Apprentice and have them haul whatever it is you need. Our Empire ought to be in full force and running order within a few days, and I expect to see everyone actively involved in making it so." He paused to force eye contact upon those listening, trying to impress the importance of his point. "Remain vigilant. We've announced ourselves, and the rest of the land may see fit to react. Also, anyone who hauls a Dragoste wolf back to our borders will see their rank improving."

Amon stood, signaling the end of their meeting. There was much to be done, and he didn't want to waste any time lingering about when they didn't need to be. He was certain several family members might still have their bits to say, but he hoped for the most part they would be satisfied with what had transpired and set off about their business once again. Already his mind was running weeks into the future, trying to assess his priorities and what was most immediately needed. So much to do, and so little time!

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!