
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
01-03-2018, 12:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2018, 12:28 PM by Setekh I.)
OOC: Maria, I kinda sorta power-played a little on Thys, if anything is not okay, let me know and I'll edit it out. Essentially, he's trying to press her toward the stones as well as push her to the ground. Setekh is awfully tormented by her return as well as his desires for her.

All at once, the chess pieces moved in simultaneous order. The dark knight found his footing, and rounded his body, snaking around to meet the glance those volatile eyes were facing. His assault was one of caution, and yet one of pure rumbling passion. His long tail feathered out and wavered, flicking left in right in deep anticipation of what was to come. Male or female, Setekh was ready for whatever may come. His nose was tilted downward, a protective stance, his neck beneath a thick skull. His necklace felt cool against the parted fur of his chin, but the chill only brought forth a wave of pure lust. Whatever illuminated in this pale glow of boiling heat in the next few seconds was what he was waiting for. Time seemed to stand still, and as the miliseconds ticked by, his desires grew. Suddenly, and so slowly, she revealed herself to him. The queen slid into her space, the air around her intoxicating and leaving much to be desired. It wasn't until she spoke that he had realized he was holding his breath. Exhaling, he let his chin rise, his eyes blistering with questions that he wasn't sure his tongue could voice. It was as if she had ripped his voice clean out of him, but in a moment, he let out a pleasing growl, and smirked in his uncanny way, "Careful, my queen," His brows arched as he let his eyes travel along her curves, "There is talk of curiosity killing cats." Poised like a viper, he let his body speak for him, as he made his way toward her, the gap closing in, Just a few more steps, my poison, and I'll drink you down to the very last drop. Your sweet rubies will not touch the dirt I walk along, just let me eat you whole.

As she spoke in tongues, he writhed, making a semi-circle around her, inspecting her wares. He drew close to her, his long hairs barely breathing soft kisses upon hers. Those violet-tinted eyes were a burden to his thoughts, and he dreamed of only tasting what secrets lie beneath their endless pools. His breath came in short bursts, drawing nearer, he attempted to press his nose into her neck ruff. Inhaling, he tested her scent and felt a pang of a memory long forgotten. For a moment, Setekh went cold, even in this heat, and went rigid. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he let his nose rise, a mere inch away from hers, "I know you..." The words were more a murmur than a statement, a question faltering on the edge of reality. "Familiarity tugs at my core, and you - my desert flower - are somewhat of an enigma..." His voice broke and he trailed off, neurons connecting left and right, his eyes widening, and his teeth baring, the pain that reflected in the fire-toned eyes, also showed how much he desired nothing more than to live inside her, wear her like a coat, and erase the demons that wrought havoc upon his life, "Are you real. You left me... You left me when I needed you the most," His lips trembled as he uttered her name in a soft sob, the pain and horror of the world crashing on the walls of his skull, and her beauty and scent bringing a churning deep within his loins, "Nepthys."

Setekh let out a cry, a sob, and drove his body into hers. Although his frame was delicate, he still poured everything he had into forcing her to feel what he felt. His tongue caressed her cheek, and worked its way across her forehead, and her ears. The man's breath filled with rage, sorrow, passion, and lust ruffled the fur near her ears, as he drew soft nibbles down along her chin. Between his choked sobs and whines of pure carnal desires, his rage dug his claws into the earth, wishing both that the ground was her, and wasn't her all at once. "You left me. You both left me. I won't let you leave me again... I can't lose you again." The words were clipped, sharp like a knife as he pressed her closer to the flames. He wanted her to burn for what she did to him, but he also wanted to save her from the flames that raged not only from the pool, but deep within himself. The war for her love and her demise was one that tore a cry from his lips. A snarl ripped him from her, his eyes tightly closed, his whole body tight and fur bristling. He couldn't love her, he couldn't leave her, he couldn't kill her... He couldn't let her leave, but he also couldn't make her stay. You're my anchor, dragging me down and holding me steady... All the while you're saving me, you're drowning me.

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.